As is my wont, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all, individually, for the warm welcome to this prestigious forum to which you’ve all selflessly chosen to bestow upon yours truly.
Miss Pepper: As my inaugural greeter, you will forever hold a special place within my heart. Also, I see that you are not only a Mod, but a SUPER Mod. As such, I feel it is my duty to at least
try to be on my best behavior, and to not make a dog’s breakfast of my posting privileges here.
MrDJ: Thank you, most sincerely. If “Popcorn o’Clock” is anything akin to “Beer-Thirty”, please make mine a double.
Richy: Master Cunningham, it is my distinct honour to be here. Oh. And I used to have a crush on your sister Joanie (for what it’s worth).
mattyk2010: In reference to your current avatar, it is my fervent desire to never be forced into uttering the following phrase,
“OH my GOD! They killed Matty! You B*STARDS!!”
HAZZA1962: Likewise, it is my pleasure to make
your acquaintance.
Huzzah HAZZA!
Gee Dub: Thanks! I’ve perused the forum a bit, and I DO like it here already!
Fez-Vapes: Going crazy on gear? I’ll feel right at home, then. I’ve been known to specialise in crazy, on occasion. At least, that’s what the nice men in the white coats tell me.
EmbraSewerRat: Good sir, it is my understanding that the word ‘British’ is a proper noun and, as such, the letter ‘B’, by right, deserves its proper capitalisition. P’r’aps it’s my OCD talking, but… well, we’ll just have to leave THAT subject (my obsessive compulsive disorder self-diagnosis) for another day.
Insofar as it relates to my nickname, its derivation must
also, for the sake of necessity, be explained in a subsequent post.
Now then. IF, in fact, my right honourable Scottish brethren see fit to poke all manner of fun and frivolity at my nickname… so be it. Turnabout is fair play, innit:
Scottish Soccer Hooligan Weekly (Saturday Night Live)
Truly, not only am I a “bam”, I must be
doubly damp in the loaf, since my full moniker is “BammBamm”. It is a heavy burden that I must bear, but I shall own this FACT: I’ve been known to be a right bloddy wankeh, from time-to-time. LOL!!
zouzounaki: If I’m able to address each of you early enough, and given the fact that, while “the sun never sets on the British Empire”, I shall bid you a very 'Good Afternoon' as well!
joe clay: Per your avatar, I can assure you, sir, that I am
definitely keepin’ the faith:
Cliffyboy1962: 12 USD for 20 fags!?! In 1982, when I first began supporting the tobacco industry, a pack of twenty Marlboro Reds set us back 85¢. I recall one of my friends proclaimed,
“If a pack of smokes ever goes over a dollar, I’m quitting." Y-y-e-e-a-a-h-h… a bygone era, indeed.
Tazz: Actually mate, t’was no typo. Less than 7 USD for 20 premium cancer sticks. I am completely blown away by the punishing cost of smokes elsewhere. If our respective governments call it a “sin tax”, I must assume that they consider those who light-up as second-class citizens and, as a direct result of their “nasty” habit, are destined for Hell straightaway. God help us all. :|
Regarding your second post… I think I have an idea as to what you might’ve been thinking: “Greetings from
And, yes, I’m quite taken by BritHumour; it’s absolutely brilliant.
Furkz: Thank you, all, for the warm welcomes.
Tubbyengineer: Thank you for the 4-1-1 on my setup. I've taken quite a shine to it, although the tank re-assembly will take some getting used to. First time I cleaned and put it back together was uneventful. Second time, it was a bit like Humpty Dumpty, and I managed to lay waste to an entire tankful of precious fluid (operator error, no doubt).
"Septics"... AAAHAHAHAHAAA!!
Splendid. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I'm off to toss a bit of penicillin in my morning java.
Okay, just landed here on PoTV, and I'm already telling porky pies ("porky pies" = "lies", I gather).
Again, thanks to all for the grand welcome. My apologies for the "War and Peace" mini-novella; just wanted to express my sincere gratitude.
Cheers, all, and Keep on Vapin'!