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Griffin 25


Aug 28, 2015
Hi all, after using the Crown tank and buying way to many coil I decided to buy a new tank. I opted for the Griffin 25 and rapidly found I was out of my depth with a mindfield of difernt wires and gauges.

The shop I bought it from made me up a couple of coils and fitted them so for now all is good. I will have to purchase wire soon and I'm looking for advice on what would be best for my requirements . I have the Griffin 25 sat on top of a smoke xcube ll and it seems to work well even though I'm unsure what watage to Vape on.

I will be reading up on articles to get my head around wire gauge, how many turns and diameter of coils. Strangely enough I studied electronics for radio communication and have both built multi band antennas, made homebrew trancievers and rf tx amplifiers and this isn't too far away from measurements I am use to.

I'm more lost on the different types of wires and configuration but most of all safety.

Any help would be most welcome.
The Griffin is ideal for the multitude of new wires that have appeared in the last year, but that doesn't mean you have to use them.

I think they're all a bit overrated, and some of them have so much metal that the vapour produced hurts your chest.

Start simply and take it one step at a time as you learn about it.

I would get some 0.4 and 0.5 Kanthal and Fibre Freaks or Cotton Bacon for wicking. Use this page as a guide to coil building:


Start with 2.5mm or 3.0mm dual coils, and experiment with different resistances and wires.

You can get wire and wick here at a good price:


Keep it simple to start with, I have a standard Griffin, is a great deck to build on, lots of room to play with and from what I read the 25 has even more room. I would start with Kanthal, in 26g and 28g is one of the easier wires to work with so good to learn all the ins and outs of coiling and your tank. As Ment says stealthvape is a great place for wire, good quality, clean wire.
And be patient!!! Many things can change the vape other than the coil, wicking and position of the coil make a big difference, its a learning experience but well worth trying different things until you get the vape you want.
Just got my Griffin 25 and am using 3 twist kanthal at 0.5 ohm and cotton bacon. Only single coil but is working a treat
I use either 26g titanium (dual coil 10 wrap 3mm at around 0.23 ohms) for temperature control builds or 24g ni80 (dual coil 5 wrap 3mm at around 0.2 ohms) in my Griffin or Griffin 25.

I've tried claptons, fused claptons, twisted, and parallel coils, but for tanks I find it's more important to get an even build and wick it perfectly. Too much and you lose the flavour, too loose and it spits, leaks and burns out too fast. Oh and the VG/PG ratio has a huge effect. I find I get muted flavour on my standard Griffin if I use juice above 65-70% VG, but in the Griffin 25 80% VG is absolutely fine as it has larger juice holes.

Just experiment and see what works for you, it's one of the easiest tanks to whip out the build deck and try again even if you have a full tank.
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