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Gunna give making wicks etc a go

Those meters mentioned are ok for checking for shorts but are not accurate enough to check out your coil resistance.
They only go down to 200 ohms and the leads probably have a resistance of about 1 ohm so you end up with a very inaccurate reading.
Better off checking on a device with a built in ohm reading (good excuse to get some more vape gear) or get one of the custom meters mentioned previously.
Just use a 510 to ego adaptor eg http://www.stealthvape.co.uk/e-cigarette-accessories/ecig-adapters/510-ego-adapter for your ego carts/clearos
The P-Vaper one I linked too above doesn't seem to have a ego threading on it, it says that adapters can be used with it to test ego type attys but does not mention any adapters that come with the device. This one does I believe from Cloud9vaping, I'll have a hunt around from my current vaping sources...

[edit] can't find any others from where I have bought from (I am quite new though), but hopefully others can recommend some good alternatives - a multi meter is always handy though especially if you are going down the mod path :)


It connects 510 and Ego threading both :)

It connects 510 and Ego threading both :)

Thanks for clearing that up P-Vaper :)

The product description just confused me a little as it mentions extensions or adapters can be used for eGo, but I get confused quite easily!
I didn't no the mvp v2 had a built in one, I was going to upgrade soon anyway and liked the look of this device, so will wait until I order it before I start making my own x
I am quite keen on the one that screws in as I want to recoil I am a bit woried that I would not know where in an atomiser I should place the connections with a multipurpose one any links to a tutorial would be apreciated thanks
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