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wow that’s a lot of things I don’t understand, haha. But it’s good know that people do actually quit with vapes. I still have my comfort packet of cigarettes. Hopefully not for long.
Ah! The default setting!!

What strength level nicotine are you vaping? Id say if it’s above 6mg then that might be the cause of the harshness. The luxe is a direct to lung device and normally you’d use a 3mg strength nic in there

Ah really? Well that makes sense! Mine is 6 but I wasn’t a heavy smoker (around 10 a day). It could be the nic strength. I’ll pick up a 3mg today.
Thank you so much for the advice.
you are getting there.
the 5-80 is the wattage range of that mod. i have the bigger luxe and mine is 5-220
as far as i know there are still only 2 coils available for the skrr tank
QF MESSHED 0.2 = 50-80W
QF STRIP 0.15 = 50-80W

tbh i cannot tell any difference in flavour between them. i run both at 65watts

just checked the menu where i mentioned soft, normal, hard. im a bit confused as the N means normal but i cant find on this mod if or where you can change to soft which might have been a little easier on the throat.
i only thought this mod would have had that option as their previous mod the polar does have it.

I know a little about the coil as I did some research before buying and yes you’re right, there were only 2 options. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I kind of feel like this Vape is manageable now not a futuristic robot! I should have bought something a bit more basic to start possibly.

So at the moment my W is on 35. If I change this to 50-80W (recommended on the coil box) will I have to change all over the other settings as well?
I know a little about the coil as I did some research before buying and yes you’re right, there were only 2 options. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I kind of feel like this Vape is manageable now not a futuristic robot! I should have bought something a bit more basic to start possibly.

So at the moment my W is on 35. If I change this to 50-80W (recommended on the coil box) will I have to change all over the other settings as well?

You should simply use the up/down buttons to adjust the wattage up and down. No need to change any other settings. Since the coil is rated to operate well, between 50w and 80w, your current setting of 35w might not be producing much vapour. Try upping it to 50w and see how that feels. With 6mg juice though, it may well feel harsher, the higher you go, so try and get that 3mg juice as soon as you can. This will allow you to up the wattage, produce a more satisfying vapour without the harshness that you might get from the 6mg juice.

No problem starting out with a posh device like the Vaporessso, just as long as you have some guidance on how to use it. As you gain confidence with it, you may choose to play around with some of the more complex settings but for now, just stick to simple wattage mode and you will be fine.
Hello everyone.

So after smoking for 16 years and my husband tolerating it for 10. He’s had enough!

We decided that I should begin to Vape instead. All was going well with my shiny new Vaporesso Luxe Nano Skarr. Then I started to get that burned taste that was ‘easily’ resolved by replacing the coil. (Before I did this I went back on the cigarettes for a week).
Now today I’ve got back on track changed it and it doesn’t work!!!

Now I’m basically asking for someone to give me the exact numbers of everything I need to have in the settings. I’ve played about so much it’s ruined. I’m getting no consistent vapour, just some splatters.

Have I broken it? Maybe i should have bought an easier vape?

Thank you in advance to anyone that can help.

Just checking, but did you prime the coil by saturating its cotton with juice before installing it and vaping on it?
Hello to the POTV family and congrats on trying to quit.
If your happy with that DTL kit then so be it,but I think you should get a Aspire Zelos MTL kit.This will help with quiting as it'll handle higher nicotine levels.It's the nicotine addiction that your trying to quit,and I feel 0.3mg of nicotine wont do that initially.
To substitute that nicotine fix something like the aspire zelos with a coil over 1.0ohm like the 1.60ohm or the 1.80ohm with 1.8mg of nicotine would help you quit.
totally agree with above.
even though it states the coils is rated 50-80w its whatever you find your sweet spot to be will be best for you.
i have coils upto 80-120watts but i still only vape them at 50-65w using 3mg nic.
ive been vaping over 4 years now and started on 18mg with a istick30 and the original mini nautilus tank which is a similar kit to the zelos thats been mentioned above. back then there was really only 2 or 3 kits out there so it was much easier for us to quit as we had the right kit.
but i was smoking 20-30 a day for 37 years so its a case of trial and error to find which nic strength suits you.
it annoys me that kits with high power and high wattage coils are advertised and sold as starter kits.

as said, no settings need touching except the up/down wattage buttons.
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