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Feb 28, 2014
Hi everyone! I was brought here by my good friend MsJoeyBug. I'm one of those weird 0mg vapers. I've been trying it out for the past week and it really is helping me control my snacking habit... and is just downright enjoyable. I'm lucky in that my husband vapes, so there's a lot of gear in the house. Sure I want something pretty and colorful eventually, but I can't really complain about a Kanger Protank mini 2/Smoktech winder. When you put the two together, it looks like a minimal sonic screwdriver. What can possibly be bad about that?? :)

So anyway, yeah, I'm one of those in it for the flavor. I know from my husband's vaping circles that this is a controversial subject, being that we non-smokers getting attracted to it is an indication that the EU legislation is right and OMG think of the children! Well, we don't have kids and if the EU would rather me be stuffing my face, they can stuff theirs. ;)

So in closing, hello from Helsinki. We've got a few very reputable online stores, so if anyone in this area has questions about that stuff, I've been doing my husband's shopping for like the past year. He was a 2-pack/day + pipe smoker, and he hasn't touched his pipes since going to e-cigs.
Since I can't see an obvious way to edit, I'm just going to reply to my own thread and clarify that he gave up the cigs too, not just the pipes. My bad.
Hi Plainsong & welcome to the planet, glad you can join us. :welcome1:
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