I like mine, I've nothing to compare it to, I never had the v1 and my other recent purchases were a couple of steam crave beasts (Titan and Ragnar tanks). The flavour of the Rabbit V2 can border on harsh, I think it's excellent with custards though. I don't agree with Mike vapes, the flavour is not muted to me, wide open or closed down some. I didn't find it hard to wick, I'm not getting a dry vape, filling can be a pita, noticed that first off. There's nothing special here, but it ain't shit. If it is was shit, it wouldn't have been my primary vape these last 2 days. Of course I'm influenced by only paying £9 for it, I don't think it's worth paying more than £20, but I'm usually a dripper and 28mm or bigger tank person, it's not in any case, my normal type of vape. i just find the rabbit v2 oddly small and weird, but with decent flavour, and I don't do top airflow either.