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help needed innokin SVD please

I thought I was being big and clever buying one and it arrived yesterday and I just don't have a clue what im doing with it re vv & vw and all the other options it has.
Ha ha! That was me too when I got mine.
All good advice above particularly watching the videos and copying the actions to find your way round the menus.
The iClear30 is a fantastic tank to go with it and you might want to check out the Kanger ProTanks or the AnyVape Davide as an alternative later on.
I'd say forget the variable voltage and experiment with the wattage.
This seems to be the easier method of getting the best out of your juices and you have to accept that different juices need different watts and that you might be going up and down the scale every vape as you find your sweet spot.
I would say start with 7.0 and work your way up from there. Going above 10.0 usually gives me a burnt taste.
Hi everyone, thank you very much for all you comments, I have defiantly taken them on-board. unfortunately I didn't get a chance to watch the videos last night but will definitely get them watched over the weekend and let you know how I got on, no doubt I`ll probably have more questions then anyway. Thanks again for all your help. Jo :)
I've just got an svd and it's fairly easy. Just use it on variable wattage, find the level you like and forget about it. Watch a good video review of it and that'll explain how to use it.
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