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Help with build questions


Mar 21, 2015
Hello all

Just a few coil questions i could do with some simple awnsers for please

1.more wraps give u leas ohms or otherwise?

2.lower or higher kanthal for bigger clouds ?

3.single better than dual ?? and if so whats the best for big clouds?

Hope someone can give me some info.


Ninja Out
Hey dude,

1. More wraps = Higher resistance

2. Lower the guage = thicker the wire. And it all depends on what mod you'll be using it on. Thicker wire can take an age to heat up, and is more suited to high power VW mods. For my mechs, I generally go no thicker than 26 guage (0.4mm). Remember the thicker the wire, the less resistance it has too.

3. Single or dual is a toughie. Dual means more airflow, so should mean more vapour. Dual parallels usually beast the vapour, but I have a triple parallel single that really belts it out.

A really useful place to visit is Steam Engine. Fantastic tool, and very handy. Tells you everything you need to know.

Above all, read up on your battery safety and Ohm's law before building a coil that's going to be used for fogging the place out. Last thing you want is for one of 'em to let go, it'll take your face with it.
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Download steam machine to your phone and have a play. In essence its a virtual build/build calculator - might help as you can play around.

Its what i did at first, it also helps you decide what wire(s) you should be looking to get.

Stealthvape even have it on their website.

As trouserferret said get your ohms law sorted - you even use a chart to help you out, use google images for it.

Battery safety, get your numbers right and you'll have a great time, get them wrong and you're putting a pipe bomb in your mouth.

I jump up and down dependant on my mood, about 1ohm single for just enjoying the view/flavours, drop down to 0.3/0.4 dual for when i want the view to disappear and fog the place out.

You on a mech or vw?
Hello all

Just a few coil questions i could do with some simple awnsers for please

1.more wraps give u leas ohms or otherwise?

2.lower or higher kanthal for bigger clouds ?

3.single better than dual ?? and if so whats the best for big clouds?

Hope someone can give me some info.


Ninja Out

Tbh. Gonna sound harsh but ah well. If you're asking that, you're not ready...

Read this, pm any questions to me regarding it if you don't understand:

@clodcuckoo nice one man .im using a mech mod .nemesis
Raguri thanks for the advice I'm sure I'll pm u at some point no doubt

Can someone fill me in on resistance ?

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
Also I have been using my vtr to check ohms .is this accurate enough or should I buy a proper ohm meter?

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
@clodcuckoo nice one man .im using a mech mod .nemesis
Raguri thanks for the advice I'm sure I'll pm u at some point no doubt

Can someone fill me in on resistance ?

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes

Stop, go read and understand ohms law again. Pretty sure resistance is covered.
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