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Help with uwell crown v2

What's the flavour like at 40w

Well.. on that point, i used a new flavour I've not used before, evil cloud yellow Belly 3mg. There wasnt really any flavour, just vapour and lots of warmth in the tip. I've swapped it out for 6mg Moz yogg and the flavour is far better it's still warm and a little to strong for DTL.
At 40w with the yogg it's at 3 seconds where it gets to hot. Flavours better but not to great.

Prior to this i was using the yogg in a kangertech aerotech mega with a naturevape coil. Flag our was great
only reason they would of said use 0.5 first is its lower watts than the 0.25
Well.. on that point, i used a new flavour I've not used before, evil cloud yellow Belly 3mg. There wasnt really any flavour, just vapour and lots of warmth in the tip. I've swapped it out for 6mg Moz yogg and the flavour is far better it's still warm and a little to strong for DTL.

The Crown coils take a bit of breaking in,I've had 3 tanks full on a .25 coil at 60w at the flavour is stunning.(Cotswold vapour,Strawberry delight).

Recommend wattage is crap in my option,always go lower then bump it it,till you find your sweet spot.
The Crown coils take a bit of breaking in,I've had 3 tanks full on a .25 coil at 60w at the flavour is stunning.(Cotswold vapour,Strawberry delight).

Recommend wattage is crap in my option,always go lower then bump it it,till you find your sweet spot.

Thanks for all the tips, i think k I've found the issue. I'm drawing on the tank to slowly. I've basically inhaled quicker and it's pretty good now.
I bought it from ukecig store but the b&m store in Camden. It's gotten slightly better at 40 watts but has taken over an hour to get to this point. From what i can understand from the eleaf instructions i should adjust the temp settings unless I'm running a nickel coil.

I'll keep checking every 15 mins or so and see if i can increase the watts.

Thanks for the tips.

you should NOT be in TC temperature mode at all if you are not using a Nickel ni200 or Titanium coil.
all these coils must be used in wattage mode only
0.8 = 35-55w
0.5 = 50-80w
0.25 = 60-100w

ive got 8 TC mods now and still only use them all in wattage mode.

Sorry to contradict here,, but BOTH the 0.5 and 0.25 ohm coils are SS316L and they can be used in TC mode if you so wish :). (The 0.8 ohm coils are Kanthal and they indeed shouldn't be used in TC as @MrDJ has stated ;) ). (If attempted anyway, your mod will simply kick you out of TC mode into wattage mode).

Ergo, if you want to give the 0.5 or 0.25 ohm coils a go in TC @Tilde, they're perfectly fine to do so. However, the 0.5's perform significantly better in TC than the 0.25's, but either can be used!! I ONLY use the 0.5 ohm Crown 2 and Rafale coils in TC personally rather than wattage as I don't like a warm/hot vape and TC permitts you to control how hot your vape gets :). I use DNAs however and I have absolutely no idea how good the TC is on your particular mod, but the main point is, TC is an option if you want it :). If you want to try the 0.5's in TC, I'd suggest setting the wattage around 60-65 watts initially, then start the TC off around 430F (or C equivalent). Then, simply decrease or gradually increase the TC until you get the vape you like ;).

Having said that, with a Crown 2, you do indeed need to vape like you mean it lol ;). Set the airflow to your desired area and DTL HARD lol ;). Don't take half effort draws, or the vape and drip tip can get hot on you. It can feel a little odd at first, but once you get used to vaping a Crown 2/Rafale and putting a good bit of effort into your DTL draw, it'll get a hell of a lot better :).

Using the 0.5's or the 0.25's is purely subjective bud ;). What's not so good for one is fine or great for someone else, what's great for someone else may be undesirable for another. The ONLY way to know is try both out, give both a GOOD go, then run with your personal preference of the two after finding out for yaself :).

6mg with how you need to vape a Crown 2 is going to be heavy going lol. Expect a nic rush and be careful. Better with 3mg. Again, this is subjective, but I find some dessert style flavours seem to get washed out and lack flavour for me, such as custards or creamy liquids. Fruity types work a hell of a lot better. My Crown 2's have Unicorn Milk and strawberry cheesecake flavours and they are a hell of a lot better as examples :).

See how you go after altering how you vape on your Crown 2 and the flavours you're using ;). It should become a remarkably better tank. After that, ensure you source either V3 Crown 2 coils or buy some Rafale coils and swap the cone shaped base off of the Crown 2 coils onto the Rafale coils, and you're all good :).

Nevertheless, I still elect to use "510 drip tip heatsinks" on my Crown 2's :). Example here, but look around as you may be able to source them cheaper ;).... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Drip-Coole...&qid=1491002603&sr=8-1&keywords=510+heat+sink . These are UD (Youde) if you want to find the same brand cheaper as they are VERY good, they work absolutely brilliantly to keep your drip tip nice and cool whilst you enjoy your vape. Highly recommended, I use them on most of my tanks and drippers :). If you're wondering, installed they look like this..... (Hope that lot helps :) )......

thanks for the correction @Arctic_Wolf

now i never knew that :)
is this the same for the crown 1 coils as well then?

glad ive stuck with wattage all this time as they dont make it that clear on coil boxes.
thanks for the correction @Arctic_Wolf

now i never knew that :)
is this the same for the crown 1 coils as well then?

glad ive stuck with wattage all this time as they dont make it that clear on coil boxes.

Yes mate, the 0.5 and 0.25's on the Crown 1 are also SS316L and work fine in TC or wattage mode , whichever is your preference :). The 1.2's are either Kanth or NiChrome, can't remember off top of my head, and obviously the 0.15's are Ni200 and they are TC ONLY!!

I just got some Ni200 Rafale coils to try in my Crown 2's from FastTech :). Odd Uwell did Ni200 coils for the Rafale but didn't bother for the Crown 2 lol??? I do wonder what planet Uwell are on sometimes though ;).

You simply need to remember

Kanthal or NiChrome - indeed to be used in wattage ONLY
SS316L - Can be used in wattage or TC as preferred
Ni200 - Used in TC ONLY

As long as you know which material the coils are made from, obviously you can determine which modes you can use them in regardless of what manufacturers bother to include in descriptions, etc :). The Crown 1, 2 and Rafale coils have the coil material etched on them though :).
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