I smoked unfiltered roll-ups for 35yrs & was getting through over 100 grams per week,bought myself a cheap Ego battery & a couple of disposable clear atomizers.I started on 18 mg fruit flavour juices and haven't ever felt the need to smoke until I tried to reduce the nicotine content to 12 mg.I sat and vaped constantly on the 12 mg(supposedly tobacco flavour but tasted like a smoked food without the food)until I could buy another 18 mg juice.Though it was strange vaping a fruit juice,it was much nicer than I remember the tobacco tasted.I see you have been given lots of advice regarding kit to start with so I won't dwell on it.
I haven't seen anyone advise on the various mixtures of the solutions used to create the e-liquids,Vegetable Glycerin(VG)produces the thickest visible vapour,Propylene Glycol(PG) the throat hit(TH)& the nicotine (nic) also increases the TH.I'm unsure about the
averages for the percentages of each but as the liquid can be "tailor-made" to suit your taste from most suppliers,that shouldn't be an issue.Most of the liquids I started with were labelled "Diamond Mist" brand,and the only information on them was how much nicotine they had,and that they did contain PG/VG but not how much of each.
This is why these devices are so successful at keeping people away from smoking,the tastes/strengths are infinitely customisable so each smoker can tailor their equipment to suit their requirement as a replacement to smoking.Once you've been vaping for a short time,your likely to find that a cigarette just tastes utterly disgusting.I did.
I used to smoke as a habit,I now vape as a hobby.Whenever I'm bored,I used to smoke like a chimney,now I blow big juicy clouds and mess with rebuilding my coils in my atomizer.I can perform exercise like stairs without needing a fecking oxygen mask halfways up to the toilet,I can taste my foods,smell a cigarette from yards away and not crave to return to smoking,my clothes/home no longer smell like the bottom of a bonfire has been tipped on the carpets.So,vaping is a complete winner over smoking and I'm glad your here trying to gain some knowledge of the hardware that will increase your enjoyment of all that life has to offer in the future.