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Hi Guys. Anyone know much about Importing liquid regulation


Feb 28, 2014
Hi Guys

I currently own a vaping shop in Crawley and had trading standards visit us 2 days ago. I've been told because we import our liquids, on the labels in addition to the safety symbols and I must have my company contact details and address otherwise we can not sell them. Anyone know much about this?
Please contact our Admin team who will give you access to the Vendors section, someone there should be able to answer your question...

Below is from one of my suppliers that supply me !

At your earliest convenience, can you please send me the below information that you would like printed on the e-liquid labels. Per EU customs, your company information will be listed on the lower right hand corner of the label.

Not all suppliers do this and i dont think it has anything to do with sales.

However if the supplier wants to put your company name and details on to a nice sticky bottle at there expense surely thats better for you ?

I should add my stuff is imported from the USA and it does get checked and customs.

Hope this helps....
Danny K
Thanks for that information. It's really helpful.
Do you know if it is a necessity to have your information on the label and also do you have any problems while importing as they have your company details as your not the manufacturer.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I'm not bothered in the slightest, i send an invoice out with every order that has the company address and contact details so being on the bottle makes no difference, like i said it depends on the supplier, some will some wont.
Anything imported from the states is customs checked anyway the bonus to getting stock from the states is it only takes 10 working days where as the slowboat from china can take up to 6 weeks.
Make sure your importing good quality liquid that can be tracked back via batch numbers and keep all your reciepts and import paperwork that way it can tracked and no problems should arise.

If trading standards are being a bit arsey ask your importer if they can put this info on the label for you.
If they dont politely put it to them that UK trading standards are saying you cant sell it without out the info.

The regs might be different to an online shop compared to a shop you can actually walk into and purchase so i wouldnt like to say whether it is actually needed.
It is a standard TS rule, nothing to do with it being e-cig liquid - as you are the importer, you are the responsible person within the EU for the goods sold. That means it is your responsibility to ensure that they conform to EU law and labelling laws and in case a poison centre needs to get hold of someone, it needs to have your details on there, as they do not have the time an language skills to call China or elsewhere.
You can get youself some stickers printed by a local printer that you can stick on each import bottle - it will have to have your company address and a contact number on there. Not a big deal as you have a shop and therefore have a public address anyway.

Was TS otherwise easy to deal with?
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