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Hi there


Sep 29, 2020
Hi, just wanted introduce myself, I've been vaping since 2012, so I'm a long termer
I mainly vape mech squonkers although I have just recently picked up an Aromamizer v2 and an SX Mini Tclass to perch it on.
Really impressed with it, I know the Tclass gets some stick but it's a black one so doesn't look that bad and is perfect for a 30mm RTA.
Hello @Wooder71 and welcome to POTV :)

With 8 years vaping under your belt you're sure to settle in here well.

There are quite a few Squonk fans in here

Have a mooch around in the Squonk section
Hello and welcome aboard @Wooder71 you’ve been vaping a lot longer than me, I bet you have a lot of knowledge to share. Nice to meet you.
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