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Hello and welcome aboard @Wooder71 you’ve been vaping a lot longer than me, I bet you have a lot of knowledge to share. Nice to meet you.
Hi, hopefully I can add some knowledge, I have tried a lot of different types of vape over the years, I got hooked on the whole 3D printed and SQ Squonk think a couple of years ago, I really like the vape off a mech....although I do like RTA's on a regulated mod as well How long have you been vaping mate?
Hello and welcome to PotV. There are plenty of areas where your expertise can be used. Just look around and contribute where you can. I started vaping in 2014 but didn't finally put out my last cigarette until Feb '15. Have a good day.
Only started on Father’s Day back in June, not had a gasper since, soon got into RTAs, I only mtl it suits me fine, this community has been a fantastic help . 40yrs of roll ups and I don’t miss them at all.
Only started on Father’s Day back in June, not had a gasper since, soon got into RTAs, I only mtl it suits me fine, this community has been a fantastic help . 40yrs of roll ups and I don’t miss them at all.
Well done.... Glad to hear your enjoying vaping MTL is a good way to start or stick with it if you like it
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