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Hi to the golden oldies and dotmod question


May 5, 2014
Firstly, Hi to anyone that remembers me 👋

I'm currently using a dotaio dotmod2 with a Veepon Tita RBA, and I'm seriously underwhelmed with the RBA. The builds just aren't reliable enough, too little cotton and it leaks like a sieve, too much and it burns like a bloody bonfire. I've been putting up with it for nearly 2 years after being forced to put my smpl/derringer combo into retirement, and I've had ENOUGH!

I like the mod, what are my other options?

Before you ask my build is:
6 wraps
0.4mm kanthal
2.5mm drill bit


Yeah, I'm old school 😆

Diche xx
909 dotrba and jouzu are my favourites for RDTL. I find the sturdy one a bit unreliable, it won't fire in any of my dotaio's but works in the sx mini vi class, flavour isn't as good as the other two for me either.
You tried a different cotton? I use muji in MTL RTA's that prone to gurgling or BPMODS in ones that dont wick as fast.
Firstly, Hi to anyone that remembers me 👋

I'm currently using a dotaio dotmod2 with a Veepon Tita RBA, and I'm seriously underwhelmed with the RBA. The builds just aren't reliable enough, too little cotton and it leaks like a sieve, too much and it burns like a bloody bonfire. I've been putting up with it for nearly 2 years after being forced to put my smpl/derringer combo into retirement, and I've had ENOUGH!

I like the mod, what are my other options?

Before you ask my build is:
6 wraps
0.4mm kanthal
2.5mm drill bit


Yeah, I'm old school 😆

Diche xx
Holy shit god damn!

Hi Diche!
@Diche :lovesign::lovesign::lovesign: How are the renovations going, I have been following progress on FB;)
Hi @ZT , Hi @Rob

The renovations are moving slowly in the right direction, maybe still a lot too slowly, but there is only so much paint stripping a girl can do before she loses the will to live 😆 I think I'm on my 5th hot air gun now, and the best part of 2 gallons of DMC.
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909 dotrba and jouzu are my favourites for RDTL. I find the sturdy one a bit unreliable, it won't fire in any of my dotaio's but works in the sx mini vi class, flavour isn't as good as the other two for me either.
I've had a look at a few builds and reviews, the Jouzu looks like a strong contender, I like the look of the built in 501 connector. I might take a punt on one of those if I can find one. Any suggestions for where to buy it?
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