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Old vaper, noob to TC...

Ripped out the Ni200 build and tried a bit of .25mm 317L. 8 finely spaced wraps, dual coil 3mm ID, 3mm legs. Secured connections, made sure everything was as it should be, but the VTC is coming back with a 0.68ohm reading?

Looks good on steam engine to me... about 0.7 ohm when I put it in.

0.10 ohm is too low for SS, I'd suggest >0.5 ohm to guarantee the accuracy is high enough.

Don't get me wrong, I've dropped the temp to 180 (even performs down to 160) and she's vaping nice, but I think I'm bypassing the important bits of the whole temp control by doing so? Tastes nice and clean, gives a good pull and hasn't burnt anything (yet). Should I just run with it and see how it goes?

I'm surprised it works set to 160C, but TC should be working. The resistance is as it should be and you have enough resistance for good accuracy. It's possible that the TCR is a bit off, and this is causing it to fire a bit hot. You can try setting one of the 3 adjustable TCR profiles to 0088 and see if that's better - or just go with it and set it to wherever it vapes how you like it.
So, had a gander on the Joyetech website...

Upgraded my firmware. Everything is a lot more responsive now. Figured it would have shipped with the latest firmware, but no... :8:

Set up with a single Ti coil, 0.29ohm and it's great. Now I've unlocked the secrets to this wee mod, I'm hoping it'll be plain sailing.

Thanks to all for your help, been a struggle but hopefully I'm on the right track now!
Set up with a single Ti coil, 0.29ohm and it's great. Now I've unlocked the secrets to this wee mod, I'm hoping it'll be plain sailing.

If you don't mind the springyness, Ti is the best wire for TC accuracy. Glad you're enjoying TC - the VTC mini is a really special little mod, I couldn't be happier with mine.
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