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High VG and phlegm production


Apr 20, 2014
Sorry not the most pleasent of topics I know but anybody else had problems with phlegm in the throat and blocked/dry nose with high VG liquids? I always thought that it was PG that caused more irritation but I've been getting the above problem quite badly for a couple of months after 4-5 years of vaping without issues. I have tried various liquids and also mix my own, but I do always vape high VG these days (generally 70/30).

The thing is it has gotten to the point where every time I vape I can feel it exacerbating the problem. Earlier on after "abstaining" (a.k.a. using a nicotine patch) for the day I filled a tank up with pure PG. After vaping about 2mls of that I got no adverse reaction whatsoever. So perhaps I have isolated the problem although it's contrary to what I thought I knew about PG/VG!

Also I read a comment somewhere that said if you vape high VG juices at wattages that are too low then they may not fully vaporise which can allegedly cause this problem. I don't know how much truth there is in that but I usually do single coils at around 0.5 ohms and vape at 25W. Is that too low?
Yeah, I can't even vape 70% VG for longer than an hour or so, exactly like you I get very phlegmy, if I vape too much in the evening, the next morning it almost feels like I've been smoking. It's been mentioned and talked about before here, you aren't the only one.

just stick to 50/50 and you'll be fine.
I vape Max VG mostly. It’s the more gloopy of the two liquids so it creates more dense vapour. If you’re prone to being chesty/bunged up anyway it could well aid in making you blocked up.

Like Simon said, lower VG % should help it. Some folk are the other way round in that they get dry, scratchy throats from PG.
Sorry not the most pleasent of topics I know but anybody else had problems with phlegm in the throat and blocked/dry nose with high VG liquids? I always thought that it was PG that caused more irritation but I've been getting the above problem quite badly for a couple of months after 4-5 years of vaping without issues. I have tried various liquids and also mix my own, but I do always vape high VG these days (generally 70/30).

The thing is it has gotten to the point where every time I vape I can feel it exacerbating the problem. Earlier on after "abstaining" (a.k.a. using a nicotine patch) for the day I filled a tank up with pure PG. After vaping about 2mls of that I got no adverse reaction whatsoever. So perhaps I have isolated the problem although it's contrary to what I thought I knew about PG/VG!

Also I read a comment somewhere that said if you vape high VG juices at wattages that are too low then they may not fully vaporise which can allegedly cause this problem. I don't know how much truth there is in that but I usually do single coils at around 0.5 ohms and vape at 25W. Is that too low?
I read on numerous sites high vg being associated with phlegm.
Just think all that dense cloud production from that VG going down narrow bronchioles and alveoli in your lungs, its going to be thick and condense. Your body knows its alien, so your body will naturally produce mucus to protect your lungs from it. Therego coughing up thick phlegm.
Same as if you inhaled anything toxic like smoke.
More vape, more phlegm.
Dont really get it with a tight mtl rta high pg set up.

Thats my logical way of thinking, im probably wrong but fack it.
I don’t find pg harsh either. I sometimes puff cbd dissolved in pure pg. It’s actually quite smooth, but doesn’t make much vapour.
Thanks for all the replies.

Like Simon said, lower VG % should help it. Some folk are the other way round in that they get dry, scratchy throats from PG.
Yes I do remember getting the dry throat from high PG a little on occasions but never as bad as this reaction from VG. I think I may try 50/50 as Simon suggested and go from there.

I christen thee, Ironthroat
Thank you very much lol. Obviously though with it being pure PG it was nic free, I could feel a bit of a throat hit from the PG but it didn't feel irritating.

More vape, more phlegm.
Dont really get it with a tight mtl rta high pg set up.

Thats my logical way of thinking, im probably wrong but fack it.
No I think you could be right, it sounds logical and I've been thinking the same. I just wish I hadn't mixed 180ml of 70/30 VG/PG last week lol. I think I'll have to get hold of a decent MTL RTA as I don't have one at the moment.
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