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High VG and phlegm production

Vegetable Glycerine is a natural humectant, which means it draws moisture from its surroundings.
Apparently propylene glycol is also a humectant but perhaps it's a case of which one is the stronger humectant :S
I think the point will be relative to the salivary glands.
If you're not hydrated enough youll start drawing moisture from elsewhere.
I know its cliche but try drinking more and see if you notice a difference.
Not phlegm but if I vape full VG I get the screaming shits!

Most I’ll mix now is 80/20 usually go for 70/30. Gets a bit embarrassing when your out walking the dog and have to skip the last half mile home like a lunatic just to get to the bog in time.

Usual drill was phone the missis 5 mins out to open the front door and make a clear path to the downstairs toilet, get in, throw her the dog lead, struggle (properly panicking by now) to get my kecks off. Feet raised in the air, toes pointed and full unload.

Then put up with around an hours piss taking from the missis. But it’s nothing compared to when I do actually shit myself.

.....so no more full VG for me......
Ah, that made me laugh...!
I vape 80/20 all the time and yes, it can bring on a cough/phlegmy throat at bed time.
When I'm vertical, it's not a problem.

(And no schidtz either)...:D
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