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High voltage builds

try a single larger coil and see how it goes , any way you could mount vertical ? I would try a vertical 4mm or 4.5 with wicking only down.
Not a fan of vertical builds and I can't really see it making much of a difference to the cool down time, especially as my coils are set high with plenty of air flow all around.
Can't test your suggestion at the mo anyway because my Pheno RDA is the only one I have that will work on the mod and it's virtually impossible to build vertical on it.
No, really?
I'm tired and my brain is working slow today but I'm guessing that you're already building your own coils from that seemingly sarcastic response.

If you're building your own coils, experiment.

3.5mm 7 wraps 24ga KA1 flat wire with Ni80 34ga wrap.

If you want to limit your options then there's going to be trade offs. That's just life.
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Post removed.

Was extremely tired and lacking sleep. I should have just used the ignore function without responding. I had already wasted enough time trying to help. I shouldn't have wasted any more.
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