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how to set up a banner in signature updated 14/2/22


Apr 4, 2015
Updated 14/2/22

Puffin Link working again as of 14/2/22 but it goes off line now and again.
If you can see the stopped smoking picture in my signature at the bottom of my posts then thats a puffin link so working at the moment.

Puffin Signature https://www.puffin-e-liquids.com/banner-generator.html

Two more that offer a stopped smoking signature

http://www.vape.davelog.com/reddit/ you can add your user name to this one.





it seems lots have been having issues in the past few months and it looks like it could be down to brousers as works perfectly in Firefox but not sure of IE, chrome etc

ive been asked this a few times so heres a quick walkthrough. this will only work on a computer and not the app.

how to set up a counter banner to show how many cigs you have not smoked and how much you have saved since giving up (sorry no banner big enough to work out shinyitis on vape gear).

get your banner here https://www.puffin-e-liquids.com/banner-generator.html (link updated 14/2/22)

fill in the needed details like name, date you quit smoking, how many you smoked a day and cost per pack.

click on the box to which picture you want to use

then click "Generate your Banner" on top right and copy BB code the link generated (picture below)

now go back to the forum.

hover your mouse pointer over your user name in the top right of forum page. this will open a box. on left second down click on "Signature"
in that box paste your link you generated and then press "save Changes"

your done. the banner will now show on every post you make and after time you will be shocked at how many cigarettes you have not smoked and how much you have saved (just look at mine below).

any problems just holler and i can help you out.
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cheers fella. no worries. im not messing with my siggy again to test it as whenever ive updated it in the past its fooked up my juice thread link.
brill thanks @scottish-jim
will update.

i wasnt sure if this text box was the BB code but the signature was one of the others.
Just added my banner (mainly to make myself feel a little better about the amount spent on TPD bargains....)
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