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I am having trouble with my RDA


Feb 5, 2025
Ok, I admit that I am a newbie. But, I really want to use an RDA, mainly to save the maximum amount of money. I used to repair musical instruments for a living, so the idea of making my own coils does not frighten me. So, I bought an RDA.

I have a Hellvape Dead Rabbit Pro, that I got from a local vape shop. I have installed some of the coils it came with, and rewicked several times, successfully. I love that the coil lasts a long time, and I think I have installed it correctly, as without a wick I get a nice heatup from the center. However, I am not in love with the fact that every now and then it pops loudly. And I am not talking about a little crackling, I am talking about a very loud bang that sounds like a firecracker going off in my face that blasts liquid into my mouth, even after I bought a longer drip tip. Very annoying.

I have tried higher wattage, lower wattage, thicker liquid, thinner liquid, raising the coils, lowering the coils, thinner wick, thicker wick, more airflow (which I hate), less airflow, and quite honestly I do not know what else to try. I am vaping DTL, long strong pulls. Or as strong as I can get being an old smoker. ;)

The other thing about this thing is that the top of the unit, the black metal band just above the purple one, gets super hot. Like, hot enough to burn my lips if I am not careful.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am including some pictures, maybe someone will see something I am doing wrong. Or, maybe I just need to try a different brand of RDA.

You could try using a little less cotton in each coil if that fails the just space gaps between the wraps of the coils this is what i do with all my coils and it seems to stop the crackling and the popping as it helps to let the juice get to the cotton much faster.
If you release the fire button a split second before you stop drawing then the last bit of cool air pulled in will help keep the rda cool.
I dont think that anyone knows for sure what makes some builds spit, easing the wraps of your coils apart very slightly can cure it. As for your atty getting hot there are a number of reasons but they are all fairly simple fixes, looking at your build I would set a wattage of 35 and take it up bit by bit until I got a tasty, vapable draw then let the flavour be your guide, never mind that Joe down the road vapes that build at 70 watts.
I never got on with your atty, I always got flooding from the bottom air flow and either had to close it off or run the atty on the dry side, in the end I retired it and bought a mesh atty.
OK! I spread out the coils a bit and rewicked. Thanks to everyone for the advice. It seems to be working much better. This is how it looks now.
the fancy wire tends to be noisier and more prone to this stuff than regular plain wire. maybe you could try some plain wire.

but glad spacing the coils out has helped 👍🏻
Coils look a little big for the atty to my eye but if you can make work then happy days
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