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I just dont know what to do!!!

Hi and welcome, if your looking at a CE5 then I would suggest an evod bcc, they perform better and and the heads are dead easy to rebuild.
stick an evod on an ego twist and you will have a very good setup at a decent price
Hello and :welcome1: and yes, it's confusing as hell, but great fun!

Nearly 6 months down the line and I'm still learning....maybe it would be worth considering doing what I did? I kept a tally of how much I would have spent on fags and decided to blow the lot on experimenting. No more than I would have spent anyway and better health as well.

Good luck and have lots of fun.
Yep shark looks like the what to vape bug has hit you, happened to all more advanced vapers and we have all been through the stage you are describing. As far as smaller devices the biggest drawback is the limited life of the battery before you have to recharge plus you will only get maximum power from them for a short time before they start to fade. If you are still content using the CE4 the next logical step would be prob and ego T say 1100mah, they do make a good combination as a next stage vape. It also depends on how much you like messing with different devices and if at some stage you want to get into rebuildables, or you just prefer to put the battery on and just vape. There is plenty of advice on various devices and attys etc here, but at the end of the day it is entirely your choice, you know what you are prepared to spend and how much time you want to put into vaping.


thanks for all the advice chaps. I took the plunge and have bought a eGo ce5 starter kit. Will see how that goes and can always add to it later.

Im also thinking of not getting the v1p, i may buy individually a cartomizer and battery and see if i can find a PCC of somesort.

If the bug bites hard i can tell im going to have alot of fun!!!!!! And cant wait to start making my own juice!
a year or two ago I think it was much more confusing to be honest..you had screw threads that didnt fit screw threads...

give you an easy tip
Speaking on behalf of my shop here, but it is true for 99% of vendors...
everything we sell (battery wise) screws onto everything we sell (clearomizer wise)...so pick something for the bottom (power)...pick something for the top (clearomizer, atty..etc), add some juice....thats only 3 decisions:-)

if the top piece is not rebuildable, then it IS disposable...these things have a working life, and i cant tell you how long that is because "it depends" on so much...but budget on 3 days - 1 week for a ce4.

the clearomizers we sell, we also sell spares for (if they are rebuildable). the spares just screw into place..not even 10 seconds work...if you dont want to buy the spares, or (like me) enjoy messing about, then wick+wire is available seperately at most shops.

same goes for most vendors...

I for one, am glad of the choice this hobby gives me:-)

<edit> my wife just said i should add this...
the ce4 is a frying pan
the ce5 is a frying pan that you can clean.

eventually, your food tastes sh*t if you dont clean your frying pan. or buy another one

(it made sense to her)
just be aware that the chinese sometimes name things creatively...so pictures+pictures+pictures when buying items</edit>
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a year or two ago I think it was much more confusing to be honest..you had screw threads that didnt fit screw threads...

give you an easy tip
Speaking on behalf of my shop here, but it is true for 99% of vendors...
everything we sell (battery wise) screws onto everything we sell (clearomizer wise)...so pick something for the bottom (power)...pick something for the top (clearomizer, atty..etc), add some juice....thats only 3 decisions:-)

if the top piece is not rebuildable, then it IS disposable...these things have a working life, and i cant tell you how long that is because "it depends" on so much...but budget on 3 days - 1 week for a ce4.

the clearomizers we sell, we also sell spares for (if they are rebuildable). the spares just screw into place..not even 10 seconds work...if you dont want to buy the spares, or (like me) enjoy messing about, then wick+wire is available seperately at most shops.

same goes for most vendors...

I for one, am glad of the choice this hobby gives me:-)

Thanks for that ecignet Most helpful post ive read so far. i thik what i need is clear easy to understand information. nice one.
Welcome to the marvellous world of vaping sharks35! It is really confusing to start with, with a potentially huge amount of information to try and digest, but you will get your head round it all eventually (least that's what I tell myself!). I started out a couple of months ago with an ego-c kit with the wee plastic tanks and the replaceable attomisers, but rapidly switched over to 900mah ego batteries and CE4 tanks, which was an improvement in terms of both vapour and flavour - probably the most important consideration when you are starting out. But then KulrMeStoopid pointed us in the direction of these CE5s - http://marketplace.planetofthevapes.co.uk/coolvape-ce5-clearomizer which is a great price for these! As others have said, the CE5 has a replaceable atomiser (the bit that gets gunked up and is the life-limiter for CE4s), but you can also buy the atomisers at different resistances, so it's a relatively cheap way of experimenting, particularly if you pair them with an ego vv battery. That's my current set up and it's great being able to play with different voltages and resistances and seeing the effect of each on different flavours.
Welcome to the shineyitus club. We all start from the same position, knowing nothing, reading everything we can and then still knowing nothing. But then the fun starts, with each new purchase we learn a little more and are soon looking for the next new shiney bit. Over the past 3 months I have gone from the ego battery with CE5 to several VV batteries with tanks and am now awaiting delivery of my shiney new Vamo. It hasn't popped through the door yet but already I'm looking again for some more new toys and the KTS storm looks quite nice. Just enjoy the sensation and think how great it is not to be dependent on the stinkies.
The only things I would add are:

Have something small and easily put in your pocket for when your out and about, save the big and shiney for home!!! (maybe that's a girly point of view?)

Whether you go for CE4s or 5s etc. get a few, quite a few!!! I have about 4 or 5 flavours on the go and have new flavours I want to try out. I like to change the flavours quite often!! Maybe that's also a girly thing as well!!!

Best of luck with the learning - you'll be able to do a degree course on this subject soon!!!
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