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I think I understand cloud chasing now.


Jun 8, 2014
I used to think cloud chasing was really lame. It reminded me of people who pimp up a shitty Fiat to see who has the loudest exhaust.

I just tried out a dual 12 wrap at 50 watts and the flavour... was absolutely crazy. The satisfaction of blowing huge clouds and the rush of nicotine that came with it.

What's your thoughts?
I didn't really understand it either, but tried drippers anyway to see what the flavour was like...

I've had quite a few builds and all harsh, horrible things and I've now gotten rid of most of them now...

...but, I did find one good build in my time, the flavour was awesome....but so were the clouds, I giggled like a little school boy.....so silly, but so fun, I can now understand why people do it, but personally, I'm just going to stick with my taifuns I think as I never seemed to get the hang of drippers.....1 good build....12 or so bad ones :/
I didn't really understand it either, but tried drippers anyway to see what the flavour was like...

I've had quite a few builds and all harsh, horrible things and I've now gotten rid of most of them now...

...but, I did find one good build in my time, the flavour was awesome....but so were the clouds, I giggled like a little school boy.....so silly, but so fun, I can now understand why people do it, but personally, I'm just going to stick with my taifuns I think as I never seemed to get the hang of drippers.....1 good build....12 or so bad ones :/

I still really don't understand how you can build and wick a Taifun and not a RDA. Also, it's worth noting that juices will always be harsher in a dripper. Drop the MG and up the VG.
I still really don't understand how you can build and wick a Taifun and not a RDA. Also, it's worth noting that juices will always be harsher in a dripper. Drop the MG and up the VG.

Yeah, I've done that, I normally vape 12mg 50/50 and have high VG 6mg for the drippers. I'd imagine it's something to do with airflow that I'm not getting right as the coils are fine and the wicking too, I dunno. Or perhaps I'm just a pussy lol, I don't know, but not to worry :)
I was originally attracted to cloud chasing because OOH CLOUDS!! but I've come to really enjoy the physical sensation of thick plume curling down my throat when I inhale. I've tried super-sub-ohming and that's not my bag so much but I generally coil at between 0.15 and 0.25 ohms as my daily vape.

That said, I have a Fogger v4 with a 0.53ohm dual coil build that I toot on when I'm in the living room watching TV and while it doesn't make the greatest clouds, I really love it for chain vaping because I don't have to constantly drip on it. Horses for courses in my case.
I used to think cloud chasing was really lame. It reminded me of people who pimp up a shitty Fiat to see who has the loudest exhaust.

What's your thoughts?

It still is for some! But there's a heck of a lot of "cloud chasers" out there that didn't even know they were "cloud chasing" until it got given the name. They just thought that they were building and using coils that gave 'em the performance and satisfaction they were looking for from their gear.
I've abandoned drippers for flavour as they ruin my experience when I return to tanks (even Kayfuns). I use them with unflavoured VG just for blowing clouds.
It is occasionally rather good fun to bimble past the smokers at the bus stop and blow a HUUUUUGE long cloud of tasty vapour.

Me, I'm happier with drippers than tanks, apart from my beloved Fogger that is just the thing when out and about.
Tried plus ohm builds in a dripper and that was OK, but the first 0.3 was far more interesting. The flavour hit was oooh la la and, yes, the by product of an almost volcanic cloud. Tripped like a touring Funk band on the nic tho'.....
So, I get why cloud chasing is done, Don't mind the odd room filling cloud myself, but it is always about the flavour for me.
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