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I'm obsessed. ..

May 19, 2013
Hi all,
I started my journey 8 weeks ago when I tried a vapestick. I bought the starter kit and have now been tobacco free for 5 weeks. In this time I've also bought an innokin i clear ? starter kit, then an innokin i taste vv (not vw) from the awesome shop in the town over, I bought e liquid from somewhere else and I felt lije I was cheating on them !!.. and Friday I got an evod 650 in pink.
I'm still not satisfied with the throat hit. I'm going to get lower resistance coils for the evod in the hope for a better throat hit.
The best I have found so far is parma violet 24mg pg and the hit is brilliant. ..mostly. I've morphed into someone who needs an oof omg throat hit every single vape. Help !! Short of putting vodka in my liquids I'm not sure what to do to get the hit I want that totally kills my urge to go back to analogues. I've got my eye on the innokin viper.. the husband thinks I've lost the plot but is massively supportive. And has said I get what I need but because I still don't really know what I'm doing I don't want to keep buying stuff. Ideally my next purchase will be the last in ages I've already given him my bank card so I won't get anything else lol.
So umm yes I'm obsessed. But would really like some advice on a device and cleromiser that will give the ultimate hit or howI can mmodify what I have bought so far to give a greater hit.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far !
Lol great post. Hey health over money eh? Congrats on the switch to ecigs :)
Which Iclears do you have? I think I know the shop you speak of (I live just over the bridge) and they stock the Iclear30 clearomizers. Bigger better version of the I16. Still dual coil and 16 wicks but 3ml capacity. Could be me but I definitely think theres a difference in the vapour produced. Cheap optional upgrade to see if you get the TH you're needing but if that still doesn't do it it'll sit nicely on top of the SVD (viper) you've got your eye on. Just to throw something else into the mix tho, I was looking at the SVD but ended up buying the Sigelei Zmax V3 telescopic and it truly is incredible and I am genuinely glad I did. The SVD is nice but its BIG. Just my relatively inexperienced opinion tho.
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Am i the only one who loves a smooth vape instead of loads of throat hit?...
if you want a hell of a throat hit get a dripper (rebuildables) with twin coils and go for that lol. Blew my throat out lol
Am i the only one who loves a smooth vape instead of loads of throat hit?...

You are not alone, fear not my son....
Smooth and soft is the righteous path to vaping nirvana.

What voltage are you using on your eVod?

You could buy a Vamo (or a Viper) and some Boge standard resistance cartos, fill the carto with 24mg PG (or 36mg if you are feeling very brave) and keep upping the voltage and wattage until you find your sweet spot.

I'm not sure you can ever match tobacco on fire completely for throat hit, but if you've not had a fag for 5 weeks, something must be working.

Don't hesitate to buy new stuff in your search, failure is not an option.
Am i the only one who loves a smooth vape instead of loads of throat hit?...

Smooth is the way... I rebuild my novas with 8 wraps of .2 on a 3mm wick and whack it up to around 4.5V. Mmmm, as soon as I get some cash I'll be having a zmax too :-) Tho I was tempted by the £25 SVD on fasttech!!!
Which Iclears do you have? I think I know the shop you speak of (I live just over the bridge) and they stock the Iclear30 clearomizers. Bigger better version of the I16. Still dual coil but 30 wicks instead of the 16 and 3ml capacity. Cheap optional upgrade to see if you get the TH you're needing but if that still doesn't do it it'll sit nicely on top of the SVD (viper) you've got your eye on. Just to throw something else into the mix tho, I was looking at the SVD but ended up buying the Sigelei Zmax V3 telescopic and it truly is incredible and I am genuinely glad I did. The SVD is nice but its BIG. Just my relatively inexperienced opinion tho.

Yes its the i16 ones I am using :) and thank you for the advice !
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