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I'm thinking of buying this.?


Ok so the cheaper of the m-vape kayfun's.

Then what wire and wick.
I'm going to use this on a VAMO V5 so the coils will have to be above 1.5ohm.
I thought and wick and wire from my first post would be a good starting point.

Cheers Dyl

That kayfun looks very nice but if i was buying a new kayfun i would question the fill screw. The one i had, had the countersunk type fill screw which i liked. This one looks to have the allen head screw. To me that's a negative unless the hole is countersunk & the screw can be replaced.
Yes not too far away from me :) and btw coiling is easy on the kayfun i'd suggest cotton for the wick, taste is much better. i do 10-12 wraps round a 5/64 drill bit with 28gauge kanthal, comes to 1.6/7 ohms its firing fine on mvp2 so should be same for your vamo. Tesco do baby cotton which is what im using boil it for 15 mins and dry it overnight and you've got months supply of cotton ready to wick up.

I will order the atty now and some 28 gauge kanthal
I will get the cotton from Tescos.

That kayfun looks very nice but if i was buying a new kayfun i would question the fill screw. The one i had, had the countersunk type fill screw which i liked. This one looks to have the allen head screw. To me that's a negative unless the hole is countersunk & the screw can be replaced.

Thanks to you as well.
I have lots of different screws for my other hobbies so I'll change out the screw if need be.

Thanks everyone.



Ordered 25 & 28 A1 Kanthal
and the Atty and some http://www.stealthvape.co.uk/rebuildable-supplies/stealthvapes-voodoowool-braided-silica
until I get the cotton sorted.

:thankssign: :thankyou:
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I set this up and don't like it.

It pushed the pin down in my Vamo V5.
IMHO it isn't fit for the job if it does that.
Plus it didn't taste to good but I was using the steathvapes own wick.

I won't be buying from M-vape again.
I also won't bother with Steathvapes wick.

Over £30 down the drain as far as I'm concerned.

got my kayfun clone from there & for the money its a great deal,free postage,arrived next day,all stainless steel good build quality & vapes nice as well.what more can you ask for £27,more than happy with it. its not the tanks fault you cranked it rite down & pushed your pin down,you only need to screw it down till you feel it bite,did you clean it first? most things need a good clean to get rid of any remaining machine oil.
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Yeah I cleaned it, I also didn't crank it right down.!?
I just screwed it down like I have done to everything else that has a thread.
The amount of things I have used with a thread most run into the 1000's maybe 10's of 1000's.
I can even manage a light bulb on my own now.

"For the money its great"..
This implies that it could/should be better, but then it would cost more.!?

That's like saying a brought a car but I crashed it as the brakes didn't work, but then the car was cheap.
So "for the money the car is great", it starts up and drives well.
But you have bad brakes.!

Or in this case (clone) the threading isn't right, but for the money...

Don't worry I'm not going to carry this on.
I haven't heard anything from M-vape.
I have tried to put feedback but it hasn't been published.
It seems that only positive feedback is published, another pointer to a badly ran business.

One lives and learns.
Well some do..

I brought my KLF from m vapes, and to be honest it was the best £27 I have spent on Vape stuff.
I also set mine up with voodoo wool from stealth Vape and it tastes great. I'm loving the voodoo wool.
Had no problems with the centre pin on my SID or SVD or nemesis so maybe it's the Vamo at fault ?
The vamos 510 connector in general is a weak spot. Mine is a black chrome model six or so months old and I'm goinh to need to replace the top section as both the threads are failing and the pin can be easily pushed too far in and need prising back out.

I really wouldn't trust it with a kayfun on, its a heavy beast for those soft threads.

Did you torch your wicking material before use? I didn't at first and it gives a real odd flavour, once torched it gives almost as good a flavour as cotton does. I'm still not a fan and will always use cotton for preference but I suspect your issues are not the atty as much as inexperience, its not a problem, easily over come, just a learning curve like anything else.

For reference I wick my kayfun like Riptrippers does in his build video on YouTube, cotton and a micro coil, it wicks great and gives good flavour, I purely dont get on with it because I like wide open air flow I had to drill the kayfun out to get close but it doesn't fit into my daily rotations for now, in the future it may do but its certainly not a bad device.
Thanks (gord1001) for the helpful advice, I agree with the vamo having a weak point, shame.
Probably (I am a newbie) not the atty.

I am going to try again, using cotton.
I pulsed the coil, but didn't flame the wick.
Do I have to do anything with the cotton.
I have boiled it for 15-30 minutes and have left it to dry.

I am making my coil at 3mm, I'm using a clean drill bit to wind it up on.
I have a 2.5mm, 3.2mm & 3.5mm but was told the 3mm would be the best bet.
I was also told to use cotton but I couldn't wait...

Cheers Dyl


I brought my KLF from m vapes, and to be honest it was the best £27 I have spent on Vape stuff.
I also set mine up with voodoo wool from stealth Vape and it tastes great. I'm loving the voodoo wool.
Had no problems with the centre pin on my SID or SVD or nemesis so maybe it's the Vamo at fault ?

Do/did you flame the voodoo wool?

Cheers Dyl
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