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Now from UKe cig store, if you want to spend a bit extra, we still have a discount code for these guys which would help, but very long lasting, you can simply adjust the heat and therefore taste of what you are vaping, and the vivi nova tanks clearomisers are great, this is a prime starter kit if ever I saw one: http://www.ukecigstore.com/VisionBigBoi-fatboy

http://www.ukecigstore.com/Vision-Spinner-Mini-Nova-Kit is the same, except slightly cheaper, yet the batteries are smaller, so won't last as long before needing a recharge, but unlike the big brother, alll colours are currently available.

Anyway, you might be happy with evape.
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Thanks very much sorry for late reply playing some darts but yes I'll defiantly check them out with the discount code and basically if the price is right then I will take it as if you say the batteries are good then that's good enough for me but either way I'll have a look soon as I win at darts ;)
I am fairly new to this great forum, I started with an expensive green smoke, which I cant knock it,
as I stopped smoking with it after 35 years! but battery life was crap for me, so I just started using
a Riva 1100 starter kit from vape escape, am loving it battery lasts 24hrs plus, great vapour, easy to
use, it has a clearomizer and cartomizers with it, you need to get juice, if you order from uk ecigs there
is the choice of filled carts and a small bottle of liquid included, good luck in choosing.
I'd get at least another tank/cartomizer/clearomizer, as a back up, or just to have a different eliquid flavour in, I'll use example from the same site, but loads of places do these, so, an option could be a kanger t3, good rep: http://www.ukecigstore.com/accessories/clearomizers-clearomiser/Kanger T3

Or, a dct tank: http://www.ukecigstore.com/accessories/tanks/dct tank

Or, cartos, more like what would be usually attached to a cigalike, still decent, better in a pocket than a tank, flavour more muted though, but, handy out and about: http://www.ukecigstore.com/accessor...-stainless-steel-cartomiser-cartomizer-5-pack
The low resistance ones will give better flavour

All that, and a bottle or two of eliquid should get you going.
Just juice is all you need ! that looks a great first kit<link charset="utf-8" title="paypal wishlist css" media="screen" type="text/css" href="resource://jid1-ryetb1dajacauw-at-jetpack-paypal_wishlist_and_notifier-data/stylesheets/notifications.css" rel="stylesheet"> .
I am quite short on cash for now so a bottle of liquid will do me do you think? And just get the rest as I go along also yes it looks a very nice kit hence why I really! Really! Want it haha
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