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Introducing LEAF - A new tobacco range from Manabush - Bank Holiday code


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Staff member
Jul 18, 2012

Hi Everyone

Its Bank Holiday this weekend - lets hope its a sunny one! pssst - we have a bank holiday code for you to use, more further down.

We have a new affordable tobacco range for you guys this newsletter! LEAF - and this range is opening up some very nice possibilities for a sister range we have planned called "Twisted Leaf" in the not too distant future - again read on for more info.

The Yachtvape Pandoras are winging their way to us again - we hope to receive them very soon. I know a few of you are waiting, I dont think the wait will be much longer, keep your eyes on the site and your inbox.

Introducing LEAF - A new tobacco range from Manabush

Leaf is a new range of affordable all day tobacco vapes by Manabush.

Manabush are known for tobacco E-liquids, historically we create a tobacco E-liquid base, then create several different tobacco based flavours using that same base.

This range is a little different - This time around each e-liquid in the range is a different tobacco flavour. This is the first three in this range.

We will be expanding on those individual flavours in a sub range of this range called "Twisted Leaf”. So keep your eye out for that. We already have some candidates for that aside and are very excited about where we can take both "Leaf" and "Twisted Leaf"

As is becoming usual for us - each of these carefully crafted straight tobacco Juices are available in 50ml Shortfill for 3mg vapers, 30ml Shortfill for 6mg vapers and 30mg shortfill for 12mg vapers. They all come with the relevant Nicshots required to make them up to the correct strength.

A special note about the Cafe Cigarillo, while suburb in normal atomiser has also been especially formulated to give long Life in POD systems. And has been tested to nigh on two weeks in an evolve reflex.

We are starting off this range with the following three flavours :

Gran Corona
A Gran Corona is a very big cigar! and this is a very big flavoured cigar tobacco eliquid.

Sweet, deep, smokey and leafy with under notes of a dark sweet Maduro ripe cigar wrapper.

A Highly decadent tobacco vape.

Cafe Cigarillo

A Cigarillo is a shorter thinner cigar, and more mild than its Maduro wrapped big brother Gran Corona E-liquid. This easy all day cigar tobacco vape juice still has that cigar style leafy flavour - but is less dark and a bit less sweet.

This flavour has been especially formulated to burn very clean and has been tested on pods (including the Excellent Evolve Reflex) to 2 weeks on one pod! therefore we denote this cigarillo styled tobacco E-liquid ideal for Pods!

Sweet Blonde

This is a lovely leafy sweet tobacco Eliquid with overtones of caramel and slight notes of honey.
This blonde tobacco vape juice is a very easy and moreish all day vape.

We would recommend a few days steeping time with this tobacco eliquid.

Its bank holiday this weekend!
Its bank holiday, and a lot of our products are already discounted in preparation for it - however for all you guys who read our newsletter and keep subscribed, we are offering you a little extra - this code ABH17 will give you a little extra discount on your order.

We would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the years - have a great bank holiday all.

Kind regards
The Manabush Team
Take Me To Manabush!
Definitely got my eyes on these.
Are they straight up tobaccos or do they have a bit of a Manabush twist to them?
Definitely got my eyes on these.
Are they straight up tobaccos or do they have a bit of a Manabush twist to them?
they WILL have a bit of a Manabush twist in the near future

but these are about as close to a straight tobacco as we get

the Sweet Blonde is probably the closest to a Manabush twist in that its sweet :)
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