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Is it dangerous to mix your own eliquid?

Back in the early days of Vape there was much talk of Vaping neat Whisky or Gin etc
Dont hear much about it nowadays, I guess we were more desperate to get a good Vape then.
@CzesiuB - just read that study. So, worst case scenario you use 25mg/ml Lemon-Lime and get a drop on your skin, don't move for 24 hours while it absorbs and you'll absorb 330micrograms per cm^2. A drop is less than 1/4 of a cm^2, so less than 0.1mg nicotine. To put it another way, bathe in the stuff for 24 hours full submerged and absorb approx 5 grams, now that might hurt! Then again 25mg is not TDP compliant, that'll teach them! Reductio ad absurdum, since we're using Latin.
Oh yes, that is EXACTLY my point:
you need to or take a bath or have the drop on the skin for 24 hours (covering carefully the drop with plastic bag to contain the losses by evaporation of the precious substance?).
In other words, it is very good study demonstrating that by classic risk assessment - the hazard is high, likelihood is extremely low => oh no... anyway...
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