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Is my SX mini G class faulty or am I doing something wrong?

Ok so I finally saved enough to purchase the G Class and it’s gorgeous! It’s the black with gold Fire button and joystick.

I’m having issues also with unlocking it. Three clicks on the fire button then pressing down (not pressing in) but still stays I lock mode. I’m a bit frustrated at this point. This isn’t my 1st Yihi. I have a Q Class and several SL models so I’m not new to Yihi but this has me flummoxed.

I believe it’s on the latest firmware. It says v8.1 when in press the fire button when inserting the batteries.

Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong? Thanks.
You forgot knotted hankie on the head, left trouser leg rolled up & quoting "unlock you b*****d" in Sandskrit :D. Wouldn't recommend this in public though, it's frowned upon by the police.

Seriously though, it's a question of repeat, rinse, repeat. I've had mine nearly a year & at times I've nearly launched it through the window.
I think this is called negative complexity.

On the earlier firmware it was 3 clicks to lock and 3 clicks to unlock. That was apparently too simple by half, so it became 3 clicks to lock and 3 clicks and joystick down once the padlock appears to unlock.

Why? Just why? Were they unlocking by accident in the pocket?
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