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Jason Cropper founder of Totally Wicked Beat by Gang

The conspiracy theorist in me doesn't need to try too hard to wonder if there's a link between publicly accusing certain people of corruption and getting a balaclava clad pasting....

Oh just watched the video. Conspiracy denied lol
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I won't say too much because I think I've already made my views regarding JC known.

I will say though, that being paranoid, cynical and an amateur conspiracy theorist, I can empathise with certain aspects of his psyche... not so much with others.

Nice to see that he's on the mend and I hope they catch the spineless bastards that attacked him soon.
He must have thought his number was up. From what I've heard this was no way a break in that went wrong, these were sick sadists who wanted to cause as much pain and humiliation as they could. Nobody ever should have to go through what he did. It was a viscious targeted attack IMHO.
That was a nasty incident indeed. Having watched the video i hope he has decent people around him because it sounds like he is a long way from being over it all mentally.
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