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Juices you regret buying

Grants... I now know no mater how good a custard is it needs a tickle with something else.

mountain baker wihtout extra shots.

My first own mixes lol. (there getting better)
That dodgey stuff from home bargains tasted like watery blueberry and vip cherry tasted like sweaty socks , well what i would imagine sweaty socks to taste like. Got the vip from asda thought might aswell give it a try coz the vivid menthol was nice and bullbrand so assumed at the time them would be ok.

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I bought a cinnamon flavour from Kind Juice called 'Ring of Fire', it was the most unvapable juice ever. Way too strong, I don't know how they could bring such a juice to market.
Ive still to try any tobacco types, I got myself the RY range 1 - 4 a few years ago and only cracked the bottles open, once i got a whiff of whats inside i left them untouched until the eventually went in the bin. Im starting to lean towards the fruit flavours at the moment and haven't had any bad experiences there. The only other one I'm favouring is Colonel Custard but only after its been steeped for a while
The firm I work for stocks DeBang. Seemed a good thing as I could score juice while I worked. Unfortunately the ones that aren't rank don't exactly vape well.

I regret every one I bought as they kept me from the good stuff.
Certain juices have caused me to become a fangirl. Unfortunately, because I love their richness and depth, I find it very hard indeed to find anything as gratifying for me now. I'm a little afraid of getting juice fatigue, dunno what I'll do then.
Goose juice
Starting to doubt Todds sanity

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