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Just realised I never actually posted here...


Aug 4, 2020
I've just realised I never actually posted here, so after 68 posts elsewhere I've just popped in to say a belated and apologetic hello to you all.

My name is Astral and I'm new to both vaping and vaping forums but obviously wanted to start with best so came to POTV!

I hope I can build new friendships with you all and stand against any form of animosity and confrontation. I'm a man of universal peace and love.

Sincerest and warmest regards,

Have a belated one of these...
Thank you kindly, one and all. I forgot my manners to my eternal shame but intend to put it right now.
Think we've already met but hi and welcome to the community.
Well hello there and a jolly spiffing welcome to the forum! We have already conversed elsewhere but it's delightful to have you join us, pip pip.
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