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Kanger DripBox 160


Staff member
Jun 24, 2017
Anybody here got the dripbox 160? If so, what are your thoughts on the two decks that come with it and the pre-installed coils?

Bought it a couple months ago but just haven't had a chance to get it up and running till today. So I started off with the dual deck that comes with pre-installed claptons. My God, what an absolute joke and waste of time! HATE is a strong word but I cannot think of another one that better describes how I feel towards these coils in this rda. Absolutely feckin useless for vaping. But fantastic for eating. Whilst trying to bed them in I probably ate 3ml of juice via spitback. So I tried installing the spitback guard which reduced the spitback that reached my mouth by around 90%. Only problem now is that the air vents sit so high and right above the coils that I now get attacked by spitback ejected through the air vents and burning my arm and hand. And there's a lot! Tried reducing power but that just kills the vape. Painfully slow ramp up and ice cold vapour.

So I decided to switch the decks and I installed the one that has dual 4 wrap kanthal coils coming in at 0.22 Ohm. Wow, what a difference. If the Clapton's are Cain then kanthal's are Abel. Spitback guard removed, airflow 2/3 of the way open and 70 watts. Not even a hint of spitback. Just lovely, never ending, warm, super dense plumes of tasty snow white vapour!

The difference between 2 x 4 wrap Clapton vs 2 x 4 wrap Kanthal is really quite unbelievable. It's turned the DripBox from an unpleasant nightmare in to sweet dreams.

Why would they even bother to sell this kit with the Clapton's pre-installed? They must know how problematic they are. Why not just have the Kanthal coils with a spare? I find it hard to believe anyone continues to use the Clapton's after trying them out. Am I wrong?

What are other owners thoughts on these coils and the DripBox 160 in general?
In general, I think that the DripTank (or whatever it's called) is a horrible RDA and should be replaced as soon as possible.
But yes, the claptons where horrible with a ton of spitback. While the regular ones where quite alright, I still had to raise them a ton because of how much beneath the airflow they where sitting.
About the spitback guard- don't use it! PBusardo advised against using them because they tend do fall out and melt on the coils.
The mod is pretty good although battery cut off is a bit high. The rda, shite really. I dumped mine and generally use a gaia rdta on it.
Awwww, I feel sorry for the driptank - my experience was fairly decent; not incredible but okay enough (Saying that I haven't touched it again since I replaced it with a goon after about a week :13:)
Awwww, I feel sorry for the driptank - my experience was fairly decent; not incredible but okay enough (Saying that I haven't touched it again since I replaced it with a goon after about a week :13:)

Since dumping the claptons for the simple Kanthals I'm actually really enjoying it. Coils do need to be a bit higher tho so the airflow hits them flush. Will for sure fit my coils higher and flush with the vents when I build my own but just switching away from the claptons makes a HUGE difference.
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Since dumping the claptons for the simple Kanthals I'm actually really enjoying it. Coils do need to be a bit higher tho so the airflow hits them flush. Will for sure fit my coils higher and flush with the vents when I build my own but just switching away from the claptons makes a HUGE difference.
That's interesting. May consider doing that as well, nothing to lose and potentially a 'new' RDA to gain!
That's interesting. May consider doing that as well, nothing to lose and potentially a 'new' RDA to gain!

The problem is 100% the supplied Claptons. I installed the second deck that came with the kit and I'm absolutely loving it. I've even got rid of the spitback guard! Don't need it. If you haven't still got the unused second deck with the little kanthal coils you can just build your own. Build two coils each with 4 ever so slightly spaced wraps of 26ga Kanthal. Or if you've still got the unused second deck stick that in there. The transformation is amazing. It's gone from being pretty much unvapable to the one I picked up to take out with me today. And I had 6 different mods right in front of me all set up and ready to go, to choose from. And I chose the dripbox. And I've had no regrets today at all.

If you do build your own coils just make them a little bit higher. Not much but just so that you can see the coils flush thru the air slits. And don't use too much cotton.just enough to reach the deck but not enough to cover the multiple squonk holes.

Come back and let us know how you get on.
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When I used the DripTank, I used to position the coils so that the top was slightly higher that the posts (on the two post deck, not the velocity one). I made sure that I can see the bottom of the coils through the airholes and pulled them as close to the airholes as I could. It gave me quite a decent vape, but far worse than what I'm getting off the Peerless right now.
Love this place.
Had my dripbox over a month unopened as yet, so now I know what needs to be done in advance.
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