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Kanger pro tank rebuild problems


Mar 8, 2014
I've done about 10 coils and can't get any to be over 1.0 ohm,tried using 4,5 and 6 wraps but never changes no matter what I do,I'm using .28 kanthal wire and silica wick how do I get it to go to 1.6 or above,sick of wasting wire plus it's making me tetchy with the mrs,can build a russian 91 with my eyes shut ,frustrated

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I did an 8 coil micro coil and it's come in at 1.6 hallelujah !!!

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I did an 8 coil micro coil and it's come in at 1.6 hallelujah !!!

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes

a result! chris991 You could also consider treating yourself to a bit of 30awg, which will require a couple less wraps to get your ohms, make a smaller coil, and help you towards re-doing those tiny little Kanger heads, with your eyes shut. :P
a result! chris991 You could also consider treating yourself to a bit of 30awg, which will require a couple less wraps to get your ohms, make a smaller coil, and help you towards re-doing those tiny little Kanger heads, with your eyes shut. :P

Ordered 20 metres for 3.20 should keep me going for a few more nights
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