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Kayfun 4 - Resistance stabilisation.

I didn't know about the steam tuners or awe mods system, thanks for that. I did your spring method on a clone and it's been fine but just came across this last night just looking around at other stuff. The problem I see with any of the mods that involve doing away with the spring all together is it means the coil can only be fired with the juice flow open. When you've got a build that works right that's not a problem and can be viewed as a plus but one thing I've found handy is if you get a slight gurgling going on you can shut off the juice and vape off the excess juice before opening up the juice flow again.

TheSteam tuners one allows you to leave the spring in place but uses a redesigned nut for the 510 screw that fits in the base and creates a collar that sits around the spring allowing you to use both, the Awe mods one is a brass spacer that replaces the spring...


Kayfun V4 "Spring Update" - By Steam Tuners - SteamTuners P.C.
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The new spring sorts out the issues been using one for the last few days and OHMS are steady.
Without getting into which clone is better than which clone, I've now tried three different "versions". Two have the wandering ohms issue unless I implement Tubbyengineer 's workaround, the third is 100% stable with no tinkering needed.. That's the bottom line for me as far as fluctuating ohms and the V4 goes.
A further update in the wandering Ohms saga...

I bought a couple of the Steam Tuners spring updates - They dont work with the new spring, it's slightly wider than the old one and the juice control just jams up, It didn't work particularly well with the original spring after it had been modified either...

The new spring works really well but I've done the original workaround on that too as I feel happier with it tightly fitted to the centre post - one less point of failure to contend with.
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I have to say that since buying the upgraded springs from C9V I haven't had any issues. Money well spent.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
Just a quick post to let you know that I think I've come up with a fix for the "Wandering Ohms" issue on the Kayfun 4. I appreciate that it's not a big problem when using Kanthal builds as 0.1 to 0.2 Ohms variation isn't that big a deal when using a regulated mod.

However for those people using Mechs or those using Nickel temp control builds that 0.1 ohms variation can throw things out of whack.

I have tried several routes to fix this and the best solution seems to be to modify the spring.

You'll need either some lead free solder or a pair of pliers and a little patience. The aim is to decrease the diameter of on end of the spring so that it push fits onto the central airflow post (around the outside of the bit with the airflow screw). This improves the connection massively and ensures a fairly stable reading.

I have tried both the solder method - use a little solder on the last coil of the sring to thicken it so that it fits tightly, and the crimp method - reshaping the final coil of the spring so that it narrows the diameter and again causes the spring to fit tightly. Both seem to work just as well but the solder method is easier on the original silver plated spring and the crimp method is easier on the clones chromed springs.

Both methods will reduce the variation to the odd 0.01 - usually when opening and closing the juice control, once it's been moved the reading will usually settle at the new level and stay there. Hopefully this will be a permanent solution as I've now been running it for a fortnight on my original and it seems to be just fine, no issues and my KF 4 is finally the atty I want it to be...


Have you got a picture of the crimping method of how it fits please? Im not too sure what you mean.


Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes
I have a fix for it @Tubbyengineer it`s called the fucking compost heap. I am pretty patient by nature but this is doing my fucking head in at the moment.I have replaced the spring from cloud9 I have tried your method of solder,but even after getting a good res nickle build to start with of say around .16,I can then put it down for 10 minutes and then all of a sudden it jumps to .24 or even more.Anything else with a nickle build works spot on every time.I think I seen a post about a brass or copper coller to put inside somewhere,will check that out and give it a try.Mine is the HCigar version,and just to point out I love my HCigar 3.1 and would not get rid of that for love or money,well ok,maybe a bit of love might sway it :D
I have a fix for it @Tubbyengineer it`s called the fucking compost heap. I am pretty patient by nature but this is doing my fucking head in at the moment.I have replaced the spring from cloud9 I have tried your method of solder,but even after getting a good res nickle build to start with of say around .16,I can then put it down for 10 minutes and then all of a sudden it jumps to .24 or even more.Anything else with a nickle build works spot on every time.I think I seen a post about a brass or copper coller to put inside somewhere,will check that out and give it a try.Mine is the HCigar version,and just to point out I love my HCigar 3.1 and would not get rid of that for love or money,well ok,maybe a bit of love might sway it :D

Bad news, I bought an Hcigar KF4 from Vape Geek, it's now in pieces to be used as spare tank and other parts, I had the same issue, just could not get it to be stable...
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