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Kayfun Lite Plus.

Even everyone's best mate, Jai has got one. I daren't watch. Bet he tried putting 2 massive Clapton triple fused Juggernauts in it and moaned and shouted and wet himself.

I tried to watch it but it was just a bunch of waffle.
he’s terrible.
Shouting at a fucking camera on top of his laptop. The daft get.
I tried to watch it but it was just a bunch of waffle.
Totally agree, but I love watching him. I don't really watch vape reviews anymore, unless I'm looking for a specific bit of kit. But I'll watch Jai Haze review anything. It's like watching a stand-up comedian - who doesn't know he's a stand-up comedian. I love watching him slide in multi-syllable words from completely wrong contexts. I love it when he completely misunderstands features, and then tries to explain the physics behind them. And I particularly enjoy all the politics around his 'hazers' - how he threatens to unleash them if he gets even mildly slighted by a company or another reviewer. Usually because of something else his completely got the wrong end of.

It's perfect car crash TV, like a benign Trump - much funnier because he's not president of an actual country.

If they're still up on YouTube - I recommend digging out one of the really early ones, where he's reviewing a Kayfun Lite clone (I think) - I dare you not to snort your cup of tea all over your computer when he gets into full rant mode


Found it. He takes a while to ramp up. Just amazing someone can get so worked up just by talking to themselves. You can see all the components for his style right here - he even calls himself trailer trash. I'm not sure, and not being flippant, but I think he has some genuine issues - maybe ADHD?

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Totally agree, but I love watching him. I don't really watch vape reviews anymore, unless I'm looking for a specific bit of kit. But I'll watch Jai Haze review anything. It's like watching a stand-up comedian - who doesn't know he's a stand-up comedian. I love watching him slide in multi-syllable words from completely wrong contexts. I love it when he completely misunderstands features, and then tries to explain the physics behind them. And I particularly enjoy all the politics around his 'hazers' - how he threatens to unleash them if he gets even mildly slighted by a company or another reviewer. Usually because of something else his completely got the wrong end of.

It's perfect car crash TV, like a benign Trump - much funnier because he's not president of an actual country.

If they're still up on YouTube - I recommend digging out one of the really early ones, where he's reviewing a Kayfun Lite clone (I think) - I dare you not to snort your cup of tea all over your computer when he gets into full rant mode
Hahaha. I have to agree that there's an undeniable comedy element to him. And not just him, there's others. I just have to be in the mood. I'll have a gander at his early work later.
i’m thinking he might be under the influence of something. he is almost incoherent.
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