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Kayfun Lite Plus.

Totally agree, but I love watching him. I don't really watch vape reviews anymore, unless I'm looking for a specific bit of kit. But I'll watch Jai Haze review anything. It's like watching a stand-up comedian - who doesn't know he's a stand-up comedian. I love watching him slide in multi-syllable words from completely wrong contexts. I love it when he completely misunderstands features, and then tries to explain the physics behind them. And I particularly enjoy all the politics around his 'hazers' - how he threatens to unleash them if he gets even mildly slighted by a company or another reviewer. Usually because of something else his completely got the wrong end of.

It's perfect car crash TV, like a benign Trump - much funnier because he's not president of an actual country.

If they're still up on YouTube - I recommend digging out one of the really early ones, where he's reviewing a Kayfun Lite clone (I think) - I dare you not to snort your cup of tea all over your computer when he gets into full rant mode


Found it. He takes a while to ramp up. Just amazing someone can get so worked up just by talking to themselves. You can see all the components for his style right here - he even calls himself trailer trash. I'm not sure, and not being flippant, but I think he has some genuine issues - maybe ADHD?

Christ.... Lasted about 7 minutes. I feared what was to come. Ya know.... The bloke's obviously not well. Is there no one who can just have a quiet word in his ear and tell him to get a grip? And who's his new lass mate he's cavorting with? Dearie me....
OMG couldn't stand to watch much. Cringefest.
Oh, jesus no.
Remember the todds haar debacle.
Tried to fit an electricity substation step down of a coil in it and then threw a wobbly that it was badly designed. Attempted to start a war against Todd which went nowhere as Mark is to chilled to get involved, lol.
Absolute bell end when it comes to coiling and wicking. Not sure how someone with such a poor understanding of Vaping owns a vape shop and has any influence on folks choices.
I shall be buying one or five I suspect. Hopefully grim green will do a review soon as he's been pretty sound with kayfuns previous.
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Oh, jesus no.
Remember the todds haar debacle.
Tried to fit an electricity substation step down of a coil in it and then threw a wobbly that it was badly designed. Attempted to start a war against Todd which went nowhere as Mark is to chilled to get involved, lol.
Absolute bell end when it comes to coiling and wicking. Not sure how someone with such a poor understanding of Vaping owns a vape shop and has any influence on folks choices.
I shall be buying one or five I suspect. Hopefully grim green will do a review soon as he's been pretty sound with kayfuns previous.
Hahaha. I remember that. It was when I first became aware of Legend Jai. Was hilarious.
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