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Kayfun Lite wicking/resistance

Vaped Crusader

Apr 15, 2013
lo all

I got me a Kayfun Lite and after watching a couple of vids managed to get a wick of sorts attached yesterday. Today I had a look and it had gone black. Is this normal? I did change juices when it ran dry without washing it, what with it being new I wanted to try another flavour on the hurry up, i'm guessing that is a no no? Would that have caused it?

I just rewicked it and before adding any juice checked the resistance which was 2.5ohms.

I'm using 2mm silica and 0.2 wire on a Sigelei telescopic thingamy bob and I fired it up at 7.5w

So, my question(s) are, is 2.5ohms OK (I have little/no understanding of it but most comments i've seen say aim for 1.8ish) if not how can I lower it?

thankee kindly
2.5 is fine but if you want to lower it just do less coils. I find 4/5 coils sits nicely around 1.6-1.8. I do find it does seem to blacken fairly quickly though.
2.5 is fine but if you want to lower it just do less coils. I find 4/5 coils sits nicely around 1.6-1.8. I do find it does seem to blacken fairly quickly though.

+1 .. I think its the enclosed space causing more overall heat

I tend to dry burn it between refills ... just rinse the coil under running water ... blot with kitchen towel to dry off as much water from the coil as poss .. then pulse it till it glows red .. the black turns to ash .. and can be brushed away with a soft paintbrush .. or sometimes just blown off
This is normal. The increased heat is a good thing as it gets more flavour and vapour, it has the side effect of the wick gunking up a little more easily, when you build a wick for it you want to have the maximum juice flowing into the coil you can as better wicking means less burning.

This is the best wicking vid I've seen so far for a Kayfun.


Some juices gunk up faster than others do - especially steeped tobacco liquids, if you dry burn it between fills as ZT says then you should get a longer life out of each wick.
The great thing with the vid shown by VaperCaper is that if you do clean it and dry burn it's very easy to put the wick back in - I've recently gone over to this method for that very reason. I used to wick mine like 'Todd' shows in his clip but found it a pain in the arse to get the wicks back in when screwing on the funnel.
Thanks all for the speedy replies. I'm using 4 wraps. Next up, Ekowool........maybe.
Ecowool is ok, but I hated it in the kayfun, you can really taste it! I don't care what anyone says a GOOD silica tastes better than ecowool ... Period
Or rather has less taste than ecowool :D
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