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Kayfun Lite wicking/resistance

Ekowool is 96+% silica - it's exactly the same silica content as decent quality silica from @stealthvape

That four percent can make quite a difference ;)

This is normal. The increased heat is a good thing as it gets more flavour and vapour, it has the side effect of the wick gunking up a little more easily, when you build a wick for it you want to have the maximum juice flowing into the coil you can as better wicking means less burning.

This is the best wicking vid I've seen so far for a Kayfun.


Some juices gunk up faster than others do - especially steeped tobacco liquids, if you dry burn it between fills as ZT says then you should get a longer life out of each wick.
Just built one of these wicks, but used 2mm silica instead of 3....WOW, that is all.
That four percent can make quite a difference ;)

View attachment 11920

If you're going to compare apples with apes... :)

The 96% claim dates back to a 2005 paper, which is now thought to be way out, latest research puts similarities between a chimp genome and a human genome at more like 70%.

Back in 2005 scientists noted that of the human genome only 3% of was genes the other 97% they called 'junk DNA' cos they couldn't work out what it did or why it was there, new research now is saying that it's most definitely not junk.

If you have problems with using ekowool either you have some dodgy clone stuff or you are wrapping it too tight and messing up the wicking - ekowool is hollow, silica isn't.

Ekowool is minimum 95% silica - it's probably more the high silica purity that means it wicks really well has good clean flavour rather than the way it's woven, so the top drawer silica from stealthvape should do just as well.
I thought it might be - but I am compelled to point out new and improved sciency stuff when people quote myths :D
I thought it might be - but I am compelled to point out new and improved sciency stuff when people quote myths :D

Lol, Should I call Jamie and Adam, they could try and find if Linda McAvan is a step up or a step down from apes...:lol1:
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