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Kayfun - which wick and wire


Sep 29, 2014
Ok I'm buying my first rba on friday along with a vamo v6. Decided to go with a kayfun lite after some reading.

Now, wick and wire is something I don't really have a lot of knowledge about. What wicks and wires are people using in theirs? Illegal probably be looking around 1.2-1.8 ohm builds. Currently used to vaping at about 3.7v on my protank mini with silica and more recently organic cotton balls.

Suggestions much appreciated
I'm using .28 9 wraps around a 3mm Allen key, cellucotton wick. Using loads of wicking material almost to the point of choking it.
If using silica, I loved the double navy nest using .2 kanthan and 2mm silica. Found the tutorial on YouTube. Gone to using muji cotton now with a microcoil using .3 kanthan which before becoming addicted to dripping with a magma, was my favourite vape.
I use 0.32 kanthal (28 gauge) wrapped around a Q-tip with muji cotton as wick.
I suppose the answer that I can give to the question is - any wire and any wick that works.
Excellent atties without an "almost". They either work or they don't, and, if they work, no wick or wire combination is better than any of the others.
I don't feel that they can be improved beyond the capabilities that they already have via wick and coil variations but only by going down the "modification" road, ie drilling out air channels, or reaming out juice channels.
It comes down to what coil builds you like and what you are comfy with.
I have been using 0.28mm kanthal, 8/9 wraps round a 2mm bit (or blue screwdriver) with organic cotton. I like my vape quite cool and have found that having the coil quite close the airhole, without touching the deck, works best for me. With this build my sweet spot for flavour is about 10watts.

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Thanks for all the replies guys. I think it will be a case of trial and error. I've managed to rebuild a kanger head reusing the stock coil and some cotton balls which seems nicer than the stock head so might give this muji that everyone bangs on about a try. No doubt when it turns up you'll all be seeing my 'why the fuck isn't it working' thread


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I have had my Kayfun for well over a year now and tried most builds on it, Double Barrel Micro,Chimney,normal single.They all work pretty well but after experimenting I always go back to using .27mm twisted with Cellucotton,about four wraps on one of the small screwdrivers.
cheersm8 is spot on. There are many variables so it's a case of tinkering.

The only things I would add are to start in the middle somewhere - 1.5 ohm, 0.3 Kanthal round a 2mm bit, and try Cellucotton. Most prefer Muji so maybe it just suits my ADV, but I find it gives better flavour and it wicks better.
cheersm8 is spot on. There are many variables so it's a case of tinkering.

The only things I would add are to start in the middle somewhere - 1.5 ohm, 0.3 Kanthal round a 2mm bit, and try Cellucotton. Most prefer Muji so maybe it just suits my ADV, but I find it gives better flavour and it wicks better.

Thanks, had a feeling that would be the case just wanted to get a feel of a good baseline to start with. Going to try muji as I believe stealthvape still ship it free so ill get my wire from there. My kanger coils are currently the 2.5ohm ones so ill probably try for about 1.8 for my first build.

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