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Kayfun - which wick and wire

Thanks, had a feeling that would be the case just wanted to get a feel of a good baseline to start with. Going to try muji as I believe @stealthvape still ship it free so ill get my wire from there. My kanger coils are currently the 2.5ohm ones so ill probably try for about 1.8 for my first build.

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10 wraps of 0.30mm Kanthal from Rob at stealthvape round a 2.5mm Precision screwdriver shaft with Muji as wick should give you pretty much exactly what you want. It's my every time build and gives good vapour without being hot...
Thanks for all the replies guys. I think it will be a case of trial and error. I've managed to rebuild a kanger head reusing the stock coil and some cotton balls which seems nicer than the stock head so might give this muji that everyone bangs on about a try. No doubt when it turns up you'll all be seeing my 'why the fuck isn't it working' thread


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On a scale of 1 - 10 for difficulty, with 1 being the easiest to rebuild and 10 being the most difficult, I would rate the kanger head as a 10, and the Kayfun as a 1 !! So I don't envisage any problems at all for you. :D
On a scale of 1 - 10 for difficulty, with 1 being the easiest to rebuild and 10 being the most difficult, I would rate the kanger head as a 10, and the Kayfun as a 1 !! So I don't envisage any problems at all for you. :D

Haha so I've heard, though myepack have got the fogger v5 for 20 squid so im rethinking the kayfun now.

Arrrgh bloody shinyitis.
I'm using .29 gauge kanthal 9 wraps on a 2mm drill bit.
1.9-2ohms loads of vapor and very good taste!
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