Just received this e-mail :-
Jun 10, 2016 — Despite the setback in the Lords, vapers are making ground in Westminster. One well placed source in Parliament described the lobbying that they had faced over the last fortnight as “huge.”
So your pressure has not been wasted. It has caused politicians to start to think how to win your support by pushing for a quick reform of the TPD. So let’s keep knocking on the door.
Here’s a simple thing to do this weekend.
Yesterday a very important figure, the Leader of the House of Commons Chris Grayling, told MPs that the e-cigarette rules in the TPD “have been carefully considered by the appropriate Committees of the House.” (You can read his words here:
Those who recall the Parliamentary process of the TPD will know his statement is completely untrue. They were not “carefully considered.” Instead Parliament was misled and bypassed by an arrogant minister.
Firstly: the European Scrutiny Committee which is supposed to review EU legislation was “overridden” (that means ignored) by the junior health minister Anna Soubry MP.
Secondly: she failed to follow procedure and talk about her decision with other government departments
Thirdly: Anna, misled the Committee when she told it that e-cigarettes “fell out of the Directive.” E-cigarettes were in the Directive - and sadly remain there.
It's really worth watching her speak to the Committee (video:
http://bit.ly/25SwMUH text:
http://bit.ly/1Yijyyk). Does it look like Parliament "carefully considered" the matter?
So what can you do? Tweet Chris Grayling at @commonsleader and email him at
[email protected]
Ask him to watch the video. Let him feel some of that “huge” pressure. Respectfully suggest that he should correct his false statement to Parliament. There are 2.8 million vapers. We won’t forget LordsVapeVote.
(FYI: more background articles on Anna Soubry's involvement:
http://bit.ly/21d0Yqi http://bit.ly/1WIJALu http://bit.ly/24Gjyb3 http://bit.ly/1WIJdRk and
http://bit.ly/1tncQvF )[
I've just have in house information boug vsperised lobbying against shotfill e juice. It's hurting there pocket! It was a leak! And I want everyone to know bout it! I'm extextra angry as I am a new vendor on the market and thinking that I won't have a chance. This is our own free will if we want 0mg 60ml. Anyways I think it's a horrible thing vaporised to do this! Just so he can fund his bog warehouse in Edinburgh or so he can run his Lambo! We need someone as big as vaporised to go and argue this case. What snake does this! We expect tobacco companies to do this kinda thing!