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Launcher and launch mini type air flow?

MTB Vaper

Jan 3, 2024
I've really enjoyed my Launcher and Launcher mini but dont want to use replacement coils anymore. With the AFC fully open They jet the vapour directly on your tongue giving intense flavour, is it possible to recreate this with an RTA tank? As most have the air flow changed by having a horizontal coil in the way? as the Launcher mesh coil is straight through, How do create a jet effect?
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There are a couple of RTAs that have the mesh in the same orientation as a stock coil tank - the Dead Rabbit R is one, I've forgotten the other. There is also the Nest RDA that uses a similar system.

i have the Nest RDA - and it vapes exactly the same as a good mesh stock coil tank - except it's a dripper.

One thing to be aware of though is that they can only use Mesh that have wire 'legs' and as these tanks have been around for a while you could have problems finding replacement mesh. When the supply of mesh runs out you will be the proud owner of a paperweight - just like stock coil tanks.
First, everything that @Crispycritters said :D

I think the other one he’s referring to is the Vapefly Kriemhild RMC coil which can be rebuilt using the mesh with legs. They sell them at ecigone f ex, as well as the the tank, but as mentioned above, ecigone doesn’t sell the mesh strips anymore. Doesn’t mean they’re not available, but you may find them harder and harder to source :hmm:

It probably isn’t exactly what your looking for, but a mesh rdta might give you that saturated flavor, though not quite the same affect as the Launcher :)
I've just got out the Launcher it actually doesnt really give the jet effect. It's the Mini with that 0.7ohm mesh coil that does it, I really like it.
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