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Letter sent to my MP........

First reply:

Dear Mr *********,

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

You may not be aware but the two Labour MEPs representing the North West
have divided the region up geographically and Brian Simpson's colleague,
Arlene McCarthy, is responsible for your area. Accordingly, I am forwarding
your message to her office. If you wish to get in touch directly, her
contact details are as follows:

Arlene McCarthy MEP
Express Networks
1 George Leigh Street
M4 5DL

To which I have replied:

morning, I was aware of the situation, but I would still like to hear
Mr. Simpson's views on vaping as this subject is very important to me
(and every other vaper).

As one of my MEP's I look forward to his reply.


**** ******
Second reply:

Dear Mr ********

Thank you for your recent correspondence about the recent MHRA decision. This important issue is also being discussed within the EU Tobacco Products Directive and thank you for sharing your personal experience of using e-cigarettes.

The Commission proposal is not final and there will be many months of negotiations by the European Parliament, as well as Health Ministers from the UK and other EU countries, before the legislation is agreed. During this time Labour Euro MPs will be looking carefully at all of the measures and evidence, to try to find the best way to ensure that we effectively reduce smoking rates in the UK and across Europe.

Thank you again for writing to me on this important issue and I will ensure your concerns are raised with the rapporteur for this directive.

Yours sincerely
Arlene McCarthy

To which I have replied:

Dear Ms. McCarthy,

Thank you for your reply.

I am well aware of the ENVI committee and there apparent wish to regulate E-cigs out of existence, wither that be by limiting the Nicotine content, disallowing flavours or trying the get Medicinal regs. via the back door.

I an also aware that the ENVI committee will be deciding on which (if any) of the over a 1000 amendments will be adopted in about 5 weeks. Beyond that date we the vapers will be fighting to get article 18 remove from the TDP unless a sensible framework is applied.

I am assuming you are not a smoker, and therefore have no idea how dam difficult it is to quit the smoking "habit". I was a smoker and as such vaping was a revelation. From the start I didn't want or need a tobacco cigarette, and other than the odd occasion I haven't in the last 4 months.

Vaping is far far safer than smoking, there are 4 ingredients in "E-Juice" :

Propylene Glycol
Vegetable Glycerine
And food flavoring

Nicotine is addictive, but not bad for you, in fact the human body needs it.
Both PG and VG are proven safe in the way we are using them.
Not so sure about the food flavouring, but even if that one ingredient isn't so good, it's better than the 4000 chemicals in Tobacco smoke.

Please don't believe the rubbish that the MHRA is pumping out, in fact if you look closely enough you will find that all their "research" was provided by BAT (probably illegally I might add). Please also look into the conflicts of interest the MHRA experts have with the big Pharmaceutical companies.....it's beyond belief.

The "gateway" theory..........utter rubbish, it's been proven in research by ASH that less than 1% of children have tried E-cigs, and as a non smoking adult, why on earth would you want to try them!!??

Now, could I ask a couple of questions please?

1. Is there a Labour whip forcing Labour MEP's to support Lynda Mcavan and Gleniss Wylmott (sorry if I spelt those wrong)? or are you able to make up you own mind?

2. Can I ask you personal views on E-cigs?.....Please research before making up your mind.

I don't normally write letters to MP's and MEP's but I really don't want to be forced back on to Tobacco as I don't think I've ever felt healthier since I started vaping.

If you have any questions, please ask.


****** ****
nice 1 whip ..if they dont listen to this letter ....what do we do next bud..?
Thanks Whipitup I hope you dont mind but I have used your letter as a template and added my own personal experience and forwarded it to my MSP (Scottish Parliament) I am waitng on his response
Thanks Whipitup I hope you dont mind but I have used your letter as a template and added my own personal experience and forwarded it to my MSP (Scottish Parliament) I am waitng on his response

I don't mind at all!
Another reply from Brian Simpsons office:

[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Dear Mr ********,[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Thank you for your further e-mail and good morning to you too.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Labour MEPs have discussed e-cigarettes at length as a group over recent months. They have now agreed a common position on this issue and each member is setting this out to constituents in the geographical area she or he covers. As I indicated in the reply I sent on Monday, Arlene McCarthy is the Labour member with responsibility for Manchester and therefore she will be writing to you, indicating what the Labour view is on this important matter.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]I hope you will find this helpful.[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]With best wishes[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Roger Fellows[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,serif][FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Office of Brian Simpson MEP[/FONT][/FONT]

(God knows why is in Blue!!).......Looks like Labour have decided on an overall policy, but hasn't told me what it is!!

I would have thought MEP's should be able to decide themselves how to vote, or vote as requested by their constituents?

Do you lot think it's worth pressing any further?
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