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LG 35Amp batteries not lasting very long?


Aug 31, 2014
I bought some of those LG 35 amp 18650 jobbies, 2600mah i think. they are genuine.

Curently using on a Sigelei SX200 but i bought them for a mech mod i'm getting.

I've found they're not lasting too long powering a 1 ohm coil, is this par for the course or have i just got duff batteries?
Sounds pretty short to me I use VT5's and they last twice that.
I have been using one too as a test for the last few months. I run on a dripper too and it gives a good hit all the way down, When I put it on the charger it normally shows down to 3.4v or less.
I bought some of those LG 35 amp 18650 jobbies, 2600mah i think. they are genuine.

Curently using on a Sigelei SX200 but i bought them for a mech mod i'm getting.

I've found they're not lasting too long powering a 1 ohm coil, is this par for the course or have i just got duff batteries?

I own two of these batteries as well and I was thinking the same to myself. because I also have two batteries that are 2100 mah. don't know the amp capabilities of them. But what I have noticed with the LG's they are strong all the way to the end. Where with my other batteries when they get low the hits are weak. I have not owned any efest's or VTC's but I am thinking about buying one and doing a "Hit out" to compare the three maybe 4 with my cloupor. Since it does have a puff counter. and accurate % reading of my battery. I am curious as to which last longer.

If I do I will defiantly record my findings.
I own two of these batteries as well and I was thinking the same to myself. because I also have two batteries that are 2100 mah. don't know the amp capabilities of them. But what I have noticed with the LG's they are strong all the way to the end. Where with my other batteries when they get low the hits are weak. I have not owned any efest's or VTC's but I am thinking about buying one and doing a "Hit out" to compare the three maybe 4 with my cloupor. Since it does have a puff counter. and accurate % reading of my battery. I am curious as to which last longer.

If I do I will defiantly record my findings.

If you have a look at Torchy the Battery Boy's website, he has done some really interesting battery comparisons. Well worth a look before buying more in the interests of research.
Torchy the Battery Boy: 18650 Batteries / Chargers

This isn't the page I had in mind, but it is still useful non the less. StuPot has another linky

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