Hi folks.
You know that little vaping headache? Like using microcoils,but,for whatever reason, cotton is not your thing?
I tried and tried,with all sorts of heath robinson home made thready gadgets,and it was still an utter pain in the bum getting silica threaded through a microcoil.
Finally I've hit on a dead easy way,which,of course,I should have thought of in the first place! Only works for me with double silica builds, but that's no problem to me seeing as I only use doubled silica in my Kayfuns and Taifun.
Simplicity! - 1. make your microcoil 2. Cut yourself a bit of 2mm or 3mm silica (depending on choice,and,if it still seems a bit too tight and 'bunchy',unravel one strand). 3.Cut a piece of stiffish Kanthal (28awg seems stiff enough) about 3/4 inch long and bend it over the middle of your bit of silica to make a little 'hairpin'. 4. push the ends of the hairpin through the coil and pull your silica through.
There it is, a nice little microcoil,with silica wick!
I'm still laughing at myself for being a bit of a numbnuts and not thinking of this weeks ago instead of struggling like a twat.