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Hi I'm sorry I really need some help I'm severely allergic to any type of nut oil, a lot of people have said make your own but I'm clueless, VG is based with palm oil and or coconut oil so I can't use it or is there an alternative? Or is there anyone in the UK that sells nut free juice? And if I have to make my own where would I even start ?
E Liquid Suppliers
A simple all in one place guide for members to search for E liquid.
all links below are safe but are used at owners risk.
this post is for information purposes only and myself and the forum owners take no responsibility on orders or delivery times or if you dont like the liquid as tastes are subjective and what one person likes the another may not.
i have personally bought from the top 48 vendors on this list but could members also add their recommendations of suppliers they have used and i will add them to this second post.
due to a lot of websites charging different prices i will just put the links below
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I have personally used all 48 of these vendors and no issues from any of them
***My personal top 10 recommendations ***
Aerovape - http://aerovape.ltd.uk/
Chuff Stuff - http://chuffstuff.bigcartel.com/products
Coil Juice Co - http://coiljuice.co.uk/
Convicts Bad Ass Eliquid - http://www.convicts.uk.com/#!shop/nxrve
Cornish Liquids - http://cornishliquids.co.uk/our-liquids
Digbys Juices - http://www.digbysjuices.co.uk/
Dragons Rise - http://www.dragonsrisevapers.co.uk/#!shop/co68 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/drag.ise
***Drip Drop Vapour - https://dripdropvapour.co.uk/
***DripworX - http://dripworx.co.uk/
El Diablo - http://www.eldiablojuices.co.uk/
Emma's Vape Shop (previously Charlies) - http://emmasvapeshop.co.uk/ocart/index.php?route=product/category&path=59
Glas - USA http://glasvapor.com/liquid/ - UK http://www.vapeclub.co.uk/e-liquids/glas-eliquid.html
Go 4 Smoke - http://www.goforsmoke.com/
Grants Vanilla Custard - http://www.grantsvanillacustard.com/
Hodges Home Brew - http://www.hodgeshomebrew.co.uk/
Honey Vapes - http://www.myhoneyvapes.com/#!home/c1qgo - https://www.facebook.com/Honey.Vapes.ELiquids/?fref=ts
I Love Juice - http://ilovejuice.co.uk/collections/all
Isle of Custard - http://isleofcustard.com/collections/all-products
Jax Vanilla Custard - http://jax-vanillacustardvapes.com/
Juice Cabin - http://www.juicecabin.com/
Kilo E Liquid -USA http://www.kiloeliquids.com/ -UK http://www.no1ejuice.com/kilo-eliquids/
LiQuid - http://www.onepoundeliquid.com/ NEW High VG range added
Lumberjacks Moonshine - http://lumberjacksmoonshine.bigcartel.com/
***Manabush - http://www.manabush.com/
Medusa Juice - https://www.medusajuice.co.uk/
***Mole Juice - http://molejuice.uk/shop/
My Vapery - https://www.myvapery.com/
Nom Nomz - http://www.nomnomzeliquid.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home
***One Hit Wonder - UK 180ml http://www.cloudstix.com/onehitwondereliquid - UK 20ml http://www.tradevapesupplies.com/collections/one-hit-wonder-20ml UK 20ml http://www.vapeium.com/
Phileas Fogg - http://pfvapes.co.uk/shop/
PlumeBlu - https://www.plumeblu.co.uk/e-liquid
Rainbow Vapes - http://www.rainbowvapes.co.uk/collections/e-liquid
Raw Vapes - http://rawvapes.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home
Re Juiced - http://rejuiced.eu/index.php?route=common/home
Scotts Cream Collection - http://www.vapescotts.co.uk/
***South Coast Vapes - http://southcoastvapes.com/
***Strawberry Fields (Facebook Only) - https://www.facebook.com/strawberryfieldseliquid
The Alchemist Cupboard - http://www.thealchemistscupboard.co.uk/
TiT Sauce - http://www.titsauce.co.uk/
T Max Juice home of snake oil - http://tmax-juices.co.uk/
***Urban Cloudz - (Facebook Group) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1499166313662177/?fref=ts
Vampire Vapes - http://www.vampirevape.co.uk/
Vapable - http://vapable.com/product-category/liquid/
Vape Club - http://www.vapeclub.co.uk/
Vape Goo - http://e-juicestore.co.uk/
Vape Station - http://www.thevapestation.co.uk/product-category/juice/
Wick Liquor - https://wickliquor.com/
Ye Olde Gloucester Gloop Custards - http://vapeiteasy.net/e-liquids/uk/yogg.html
(Please see post 2 below for other members recommendations that i have not tried yet)
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1837 Colonel Booms - https://plumeblu.co.uk/eliquid/colonelbooms/colonel-booms-1837/
***Daredevils Devilicious - http://vapeiteasy.net/e-liquids/uk/yogg/eldddc.html
***Dragons Rise - http://www.dragonsrisevapers.co.uk/#!product-page/c6np/7395712f-7330-b82c-c502-b982cf41755b
Drip Drop - https://dripdropvapour.co.uk/e-liquids/vanilla-custard/
Emma's Vape Shop - http://emmasvapeshop.co.uk/ocart/index.php?route=product/category&path=59
G0 4 Smoke - http://www.goforsmoke.com/vanilla-custard-2231-p.asp
Graham Custard http://www.thevapestation.co.uk/shop/graham-custard-vapeshack808/
Grants Vanilla Custard - http://www.grantsvanillacustard.com/
Grumpy Custard - http://grumpyjuice.com/seventy-thirty?product_id=130
Isle of Custard - http://isleofcustard.com/collections/all-products
Jax Vanilla Custard - http://jax-vanillacustardvapes.com/
LiQuid Custard http://www.onepoundeliquid.com/10ml-vanilla-custard-e-liquid.html
Mrs Bee's TDC - https://www.vapeiteasy.net/e-liquids/uk/yogg/elyoggmbee.html
Raw Vapes - http://rawvapes.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home
Re Juiced - http://rejuiced.eu/bestselling-eliquids/creamy-vanilla-custard
Scotts Cream Collection - http://www.vapescotts.co.uk/
South Coast Vapes - http://southcoastvapes.com/
Strawberry Fields (Facebook Only) - https://www.facebook.com/strawberryfieldseliquid
Vape Goo - http://e-juicestore.co.uk/product/creamy-vanilla-custard/
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MyEpack - http://myepack.co.uk/
DNA Vapes - http://www.dnavapes.com/
SR Vapes - http://www.sr-vapes.co.uk/
Check & Vape - http://www.checkandvape.co.uk/
Smoke Purer - http://www.smokepurer.com/
Ecig One - http://www.ecigone.co.uk/
Noblevaping - https://noblevaping.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home
Gearbest - http://www.gearbest.com/ecig-_gear/
Fasttech - https://www.fasttech.com/category/3099/e-cigarettes
Efun Top - http://www.efun.top/
Heaven Gift - http://www.heavengifts.com/
Focal Ecig - http://focalecig.com/
3F Vape - http://www.3fvape.com/
MadeInChina - http://www.madeinchina.com/