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Looking to cut juice consumption

So, I cleaned the tank and popped in the 0.85 Clapton and gave it a go. With half airflow and 30w it seems OK. 32.5 and the flavor upend up. Is that about right?
I restricted the air more and 36.5w seems good.

As it's been said already, whatever works for you is the right setting. 30-35w is in the ballpark of what I would expect though so with you using clapton coils I would say you are spot on.

From what I have been led to believe, and it makes sense to me, is that a Clapton type coil will use more juice than say a plain wire coil. This is because a Clapton is a very fine wire wrapped around a thicker wire, so it has significantly more surface area to heat juice.

Claptons have larger surface area so will vapourise more juice for a similar resistance coil, you get a little more flavour as a result but most of the time it's only a very small amount compared to single wire coils but accentuated due to the time it takes to ramp up the wire to heating temperature then the ramp down time too. With more wire types needing heating up that takes a bit more power to get up to temperature quickly.
From what I have been led to believe, and it makes sense to me, is that a Clapton type coil will use more juice than say a plain wire coil. This is because a Clapton is a very fine wire wrapped around a thicker wire, so it has significantly more surface area to heat juice.
That makes sense.
As it's been said already, whatever works for you is the right setting. 30-35w is in the ballpark of what I would expect though so with you using clapton coils I would say you are spot on.

Claptons have larger surface area so will vapourise more juice for a similar resistance coil, you get a little more flavour as a result but most of the time it's only a very small amount compared to single wire coils but accentuated due to the time it takes to ramp up the wire to heating temperature then the ramp down time too. With more wire types needing heating up that takes a bit more power to get up to temperature quickly.
I will have to look into running a build on a simple KA coil for comparison.
I took the mod with the 0.85 ohm coil to Paris for the weekend and it behaved oddly.
The vape felt very dry and made me thirsty. I travel light, a backpack and carry on bag for 2 adults and a baby so I didn't take everything to change coils.
I pulled out the cotton and as I expected it was a bit black in the middle. I wicked it with a lot less cotton and shorter tails.
I pulled the cotton pad in half and have the tail going through the holes but not all the way down.

I noticed that the coil is a bit black on one side near the post, the leg not the actual coil. I fired it up and put it in water a few times.
The rest of the coil is clean but the leg is a bit black, will it make much difference. I'm vaping it around 15-17 and playing with the airflow.
I'm getting more and more confused about what wattage I should be using. Sometimes I get a good pull and sometimes I don't.
Hopefully, I will figure it out and won't burn the cotton again...

I don't feel a big difference when moving the wattage up and down so I have trouble figuring out the sweet spot.
Sometimes It has a lot of flavours but it doesn't seem as consistent as a premade coil or as it was when I was running 0.20 on high wattage.
If I go up a lot in wattage it can have more of a rough or harsh taste but it never feels hot.
I pulled out the cotton and as I expected it was a bit black in the middle. I wicked it with a lot less cotton and shorter tails.
I pulled the cotton pad in half and have the tail going through the holes but not all the way down.

I noticed that the coil is a bit black on one side near the post, the leg not the actual coil. I fired it up and put it in water a few times.
The rest of the coil is clean but the leg is a bit black, will it make much difference. I'm vaping it around 15-17 and playing with the airflow.
I'm getting more and more confused about what wattage I should be using. Sometimes I get a good pull and sometimes I don't.
Hopefully, I will figure it out and won't burn the cotton again...

I don't feel a big difference when moving the wattage up and down so I have trouble figuring out the sweet spot.
Sometimes It has a lot of flavours but it doesn't seem as consistent as a premade coil or as it was when I was running 0.20 on high wattage.
If I go up a lot in wattage it can have more of a rough or harsh taste but it never feels hot.

Pop a picture up of the coil before you clean burn it. To me it sounds like it's getting hot spots.

Also regarding the dryness, it could be hot spots on the coil or the sweet traffic polluted air of Gay Paris - that bit is going to be hard to overcome tbh :D I get the same when I go to London.
Are you still using the smok cloud tank? Surely it’s inevitable that it will not work right at 15-17w?
Are you still using the smok cloud tank? Surely it’s inevitable that it will not work right at 15-17w?
I leave the Smok tank on the Smok stick v8. My wife likes it a lot and it is good for when I crap out on a build.
When I fire the coil up it looks glows evenly across the coil. The black spot was on one of the legs of the coil, I will take a photo next time the tank runs low.
I scrapped so black crap off the left leg and it seems to have a better taste now.
What would have caused the burnt side of the coil and does it need to be replaced.

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