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Mech Mod - Should I?

Not trolling or anything but that's what I assumed mech mods are mainly used for, no?

I will stick with my current build levels then, 0.2-0.8ohm.

A year or so ago most VW devices would not fire below 1ohm. Using mechs meant you could vape lower than 1ohm.

I personally would vape lower builds on my regulated devices as they would cut out if something's not right. If something's not right with a mech there's no fallback. I love my mechs for simplicity, the pleasure of putting a build on an atty (tank in my case), putting in a fresh battery, good to go. No lights, no warnings flashing up on the screen, no checking the battery level, watts, volts, resistance, time, new tweets etc. just a tube, a tank and a switch. Love it! [emoji12]
The absolute lowest I'd recommend a newbie building to is 0.2...
Ideally 0.3.
I'm a nutter, I've been using mechanicals for over 2 years, I've recently built two lipo mods both capable of 195amps at both 1s and 2s, but even I wouldn't say you starting at 0.08 is a good idea. Takes very little for shit to go wrong at that level.

Ps, if you're at vapefest I'll let you try a 0.08 setup... on my box... as I'm willing to put money on the fact you'll cough your lungs up. Or blow them out your ass.

lol!! okay guys I get the picture, a low build of 0.08 to start on a mech is a no no so I won't bother. Then there are some who say I shouldn't bother and stick to regulated.
I suppose for safety I should just avoid a mech and get another spare regulated mod maybe.

unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the vapefest, too far for me otherwise I would definitely go. Thanks for the offer, I hope you have a great time :)
send us in some videos when you go.
theres quite a few smpl mechs listed, which one should I go for?


They are right, if you are looking to play with very low ohms in the future, the smpl isn't the right mod for it as it is a hybrid. It will happily handle 0.5-0.8, but any lower and it just isn't suitable. I would still consider it as a back up, because it has so few moving parts and is such a 'simple' device, and because quite frankly you shouldn't be looking to go any lower than that until you have a better grip on battery safety.

You need to know the CONTINUOUS amp rating of your battery, and you need to understand what that translates to as the minimum safe resistance of your coil. The two are intrinsically linked.
thanks for all the advice and information everyone, appreciate it! :)

I have now decided that its best to not get the mech mod, last thing I need is the battery exploding on my face as im taking a drag.

Any good suggestions for a cheap regulated mod from fasttech?
Something from the first post just isn't meshing somehow.

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