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Mechanical Mod newbie

I get my batteries from a trusted source.

Yeah, but where are they getting them from?

Here is a statement from Sony themself:

Dear customer, thank you for your inquiry.

The 18650 type batteries are no longer manufactured by Sony.

This product was never intended for individual, public sale and are not eligible for warranty or engineering support.

It was only available to OEM makers of specific devices.

The specifications and markings on the battery may vary depending upon the OEM’s requirements. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the true manufacturer or authenticity of the batteries without physical inspection and manufacturing code research.

This type of battery is widely available on the internet market through non-authorized resellers.

Therefore, Sony is not liable for the performance or use of this type battery for non-intended purposes.

Such applications should be done at the user’s own risk.

Furthermore, any battery of this type claimed to be Sony brand may be older stock.

We apologize that we cannot offer further assistance with this matter.


Media Services by Sony
Yeh can't help you on the VTC3, never had one, but like peps1 said, be wary of fakes.

If you stick to a Subtank mini it's one less thing to get used to when first experimenting with a mech, you'd know what to expect from it at a given Wattage. When you're building for a certain juice that you know you like at a certain Watts use Steamengine to calculate what resistance you should be aiming for to hit those Watts with a mech. I tend to use 3.8V with ohms law to do this, it allows for volt drop. If you're building for lower power you could up this to 3.9 or 4V ish, if you're for higher power the volt drop will be more so lower it 3.6V ish. Who ever said mech are simple:p I love em though.
Thanks for all the input guys, I take the point about the batteries on board, I have now ordered some magnets for the switch, I think I want to go down the dripper route for the mod, I think I will only ne using at home in the evenings for now, so am really looking for suggestions, I have in the past used silca wick wire wick in a AGA-T and now using cotton, I like the cotton.
Right can this stop right now, a Nemesis isn't a Nemi, a Nemi is a Nemi.
Right can this stop right now, a Nemesis isn't a Nemi, a Nemi is a Nemi.
bot: Nemesis is a great first time mech.
Do you want a tank or dripper?
How much do you want to pay?
Will you consider a slow delivery from China?

Hello, Yes I would like a dripper, Price, cheaper the better but not so cheap that it is rubbish, slow boat from china is good.
When it comes to RDA's the world is your oyster, there will be so many suggestions it will blow your mind. I've not used that many RDA's in the scheme of things but I have owned and used quite a lot in my mind. I still have about 10 I think, if I had to have only one so far it would still be the Infinite CLT V2, old school by todays trends but still a cracking vape and in regular use by me.
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I have just got a Velocity, it blows my others away, including my beloved Derringer.
(others: Magma, Dark Horse, Freakshow Mini)
Easy to build on, deep juice well and total control of the airflow.
My tuppence.
I purchased mine from Cambridge Vaping, it is an Ivogo clone, which seems to be considered the best.
Fasttech don't state the clone manafacturer but I am guessing this is it.

See I've got that too and I agree it's a good atty but I'd take my CLT V2 over it, that's why there will be so many opinions.
Just I loves it at the moment.
Thought it would be a good rec because of the excellent airflow adjustment.
I am gonna get one of those AEOLUS and will probably change my mind again.
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