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mesh coil in the wotofo profile rda

Yeah I already did that on my current build, I get around 3 hits before the edges start to dry.

I find it best to squonk until the top is wet, hold for a few seconds then release.

Gone through 20ml of juice in under 24 hours and I haven't been using it exclusively - glad I'm using DIY juices!
Take a while to break the cotton in but once done the flavour not bad, in all I would rate it about 6.5 out of 10, going to try it with a normal coil in sometime this week.
This rda was amazing for me for the past few months but I’m having trouble with it now. I don’t think it likes thick juices too much because mine also caught fire. Juice in question was Yami Vapor Taruto, which in general seems to be a real wick killer. And as a side note, if anybody uses this juice and gets great performance, please share your set up!

Prior to trying the above juice, I’ve been vaping random Six Licks flavours exclusively for the past few months with no issues whatsoever. The rda has been great with thinner juice, no hotspots, no dry hits. Only downside had been that as someone stated earlier, it goes through juice very very fast.
I've had mine for almost a month now and I am still on the 1st build, I expected it to last a couple of weeks but it's still going strong, first juice I tried was a desert type and noticed the buildup of gunk was flaking and inhaled some - not nice, brushed it off and swapped the juice to a fruity one and it still looks like a fresh build, no dry hits or gunk build up.

I do love this mesh RDA but I have to compromise with it's limits and stick to less coil killer juices in it.
I've had little issue with mine (once you master the art of wicking with Cotton Bacon et al) & I use 80/20 - 75/25 custard in one & a fruit (same ratio's) in the other. This thing drinks juice quicker than a V8 gas guzzler so you do have to keep squonking to the point of filling the chamber up to the airholes.
I've had little issue with mine (once you master the art of wicking with Cotton Bacon et al) & I use 80/20 - 75/25 custard in one & a fruit (same ratio's) in the other. This thing drinks juice quicker than a V8 gas guzzler so you do have to keep squonking to the point of filling the chamber up to the airholes.
Have you had the gunk build up flaking?

With the instant ramp up it's a bit like dry burning a coil so the sweetener gunk flaked loose, I only had it on Just Jam strawberry Doughnut, not had the issue since using fruits though.
Have you had the gunk build up flaking?

With the instant ramp up it's a bit like dry burning a coil so the sweetener gunk flaked loose, I only had it on Just Jam strawberry Doughnut, not had the issue since using fruits though.
No but I do keep it wet.
ive only had the coil catch fire once & i think that was to due to me over combing the cotton out to much near the mesh coil, never had it since, gunk my coil is black after 2 days & i change the cotton every 2 days & do a low power 15w pulse of coil & all is good.
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